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News from us  

• 18-04-2008 Check out the Pinout Forum - Everything about pinouts, connectors, cables, adapters etc : Pinout forum
• 21-12-2007 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year -
• 26-10-2007 Max upload limit changed to 3 MB - Mow file limit is 3 MB per file
• 02-12-2005 Documents text scanned today - Documents text scanned today - added 1257 files to fulltext index and 2057 preview images
• 23-08-2005 New search machine - The old search machine of the site has become inadequate to filter the almost 20000 files, so as of today has a completely rewritten search engine, with the following new features: - all special characters are stripped from the input (like - / etc), so it makes no difference if you type KV-S2942U or KVS2942U - multipart files are shown only once in search results - in-text search is performed against a group of 5 fields, for every search string entered (filename, make, model, description and original) - search results are grouped, according to where the match was found (model, original etc.) , results in model having the highest priority - strings enclosed in double quotes " are matched exactly as they are typed - including special characters - any string entered is matched against the beginning of the field ( for example, if you type KVS it will match KVS12, but not match AKVS12) to change this behavior, you can add * as the first symbol of the search string - you can exclude certain words, by adding a minus - sign in front of them, and require words, by adding a plus + sign - results are sorted on popularity by default Any comments, remarks or problems more than welcome at: //
• 03-05-2005 Help us improve: take the survey - We do appreciate your opinion and feedback about . Please, take this short survey at:
eServiceInfo Survey (it should take less than 5 min) and help us improve

• 28-12-2004 Fulltext Search - Fulltext search indexes the content of the documents, not only filenames and data entered on upload, thus allowing You to find search terms inside the documents text. You can type in several words, including signs (+ before the word means it is required, - before the word means that results, containing the word will be excluded) The data indexed is more than 100 MB plain text, supported compression is zip and rar (multipart files), supported document types - pdf and plain text. In the future i plan to support .djvu files and to add antivirus checks .
• 12-11-2004 WAP Service Manual Search Machine - WAP Service Manual Search Machine - Check the availability of a service manual, using your cell phone. No donwload of course. The address is:
• 07-10-2004 New notebooks class - New notebooks class here: Notebooks, laptops, portable
• 31-08-2004 What download quota will be enough for You ? - I am trying to get the balance between the files you need each day and the traffic i am able to pay for. Please, give me your opinion. Please Vote
• 18-08-2004 New controllers category - Find it here: Controllers
• 07-07-2004 All quotas increased to 20/day 200/month - All quotas are increased to 20 / day and 200 / month for all users Please, do not ask me for unlimited downloads - i do not plan to offer this for now I would greatly appreciate a back link from your site - so please put the following code: Free Service Manuals Download Please, feel free to upload files. Greetings: Plamen Slavov / //
• 29-06-2004 Electronics web sites top 100 - New service started today - - a top 100 count down of electronics related web sites. Join now
• 14-06-2004 Radio stations - new category - Radio stations - new category - Radios CB Radio HAM Radio
• 06-06-2004 Support for multipart files - Now the system has support for multipart files - because the upload file size is limited to 2 MB, when uploading big files they have to be splitted. Now, the system counts the file part on upload, and links to all file chunks are presented while downloading.
• 06-06-2004 Exact match for search - Strings, surrounded by " are matched exactly for the service manual search Try "XR-1790 Sony" and XR-1790 Sony
• 04-06-2004 Microwave Ovens Service Manuals - New group added - Microwave Ovens Service Manuals
• 24-05-2004 File rating and review - All users are able to rate the file they download and give a short opinion about it.
• 14-05-2004 created - Electronics service forum was started today - I hope it will be useful
• 13-05-2004 New group - measuring equipment - New group created - measuring equipment - for oscilloscopes, multimeters , etc.
• 11-05-2004 International downloads are back - Finally, international downloads are back online - i have a new server, the international speed should be considerably higher.
There might be minor problems while the system is tuned - please. be patient!

If You want to support the project: Donations are welcome:

I have a new domain: - it is just nother name for the same service

• 01-05-2004 New server on the way - At last - good news about the project - new server for the project will be ready around 5th of May - check out soon! All international downloads will be restored around this date
• 29-04-2004 New group - Motherboards - I have added Motherboards to the groups list - find it here
• 31-03-2004 Help the project - I need Your support to set up a server outside of Bulgaria, which will handle international downloads. Plese, donate 2 USD to help this project:

• 17-03-2004 International speed problems - Dear users, We are experiencing problems with our international connectivity. We are working hard to eliminate them, but low speed is expected to be experienced for the next 2-3 days.
• 09-03-2004 New LCD Projectors group - You can view it here
• 08-03-2004 New links section ... - I created a new links section - if any webmaster of an electronics related web site is interested - i am open for link exchanges.

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