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Colour Television Chassis

27VM34 U

Contents Page
1. Technical Specifications, Connections and Chassis Overview 2-3
2. Safety & Maintenance Instructions, Warnings and Notes 4-5
3. Directions for Use 6 - 22
4. Mechanical Instructions 23
5. Faultfinding and Test point Overview with Waveform Diagram 24 - 32
6. Block Diagram, I2C And Supply Voltage Diagram 33 - 34
7. Electrical Diagrams and PWB's Diagram PWB
Power Supply (Diagram A1) 35
Line Deflection (Diagram A2) 35
Frame Deflection (Diagram A3) 36
Tuner IF (Diagram A4) 36
Video IF and Sound IF (Diagram A5) 37
Micro controller (Diagram A6) 38
Audio/Video Source Switching (Diagram A7) 39
Audio Processor (Diagram A8) 40
Audio Amplifier (Diagram A9) 40
CRT Panel (Diagram B) 41 41
Side AV (Diagram E) 42 42
Layout Main carrier (part 1 to part 4) 43 - 46
8. Alignments 47 - 50
9. Circuit Description, IC pins description 51 - 58
List of Abbreviations 59 - 60
10. Spare Parts List