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Series 7320
AC Current Shunts
A Cost Effective Precision AC Current Calibration Standard

G uildline 7320 series of four terminal AC Current Shunts
feature low uncertainty (high accuracy), low temperature
coefficients, and excellent stability. The shunts are designed to
be purely resistive with extremely small values of reactance.
The shunts may be used over a wide frequency range from DC
to 100 kHz.
The shunts will operate at power levels up to 10 watts, or as
limited by a maximum of 25 amperes, or 300 volts. They are
specified for use with natural convection cooling, but the
performance can be improved by using forced air cooling.
Originally made to verify the performance of the Guildline
7620 Transconductance Amplifier, the AC Current Shunts can
be used for a variety of other applications.
They are useful for the calibration of ac current ranges of multi-
function calibrators and high accuracy DVM's.

The 7320 Series AC Current Shunts may be used
over a wide frequency range from DC to 100 kHz.
7320 Features
> Accuracy to