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Fast Calibrators
Introduction to Fast Calibrators

Immersion depth is very important
When selecting a Dry Block Calibrator depth of immersion is very important. The chart below provides
guidance in selecting a bath for immersion depth. Note that sensors with a long sensing length will
require greater immersion. The chart is general and applies equally to all dry blocks - not to a particular
model or manufacturer.

Immersion depths for various diameter thermocouples or thermistors in a dry block bath

Example shows 0.3% stem error for a 15mm diameter thermocouple immersed 160mm in a dry block.

Note 1. For sensors immersed in stirred liquids the diameter of sensor can be doubled, or the minimum depth halved.

Note 2. The sensing length must be added to the above immersion depth calculation

N.B. The above gives a good guide, however each sensor will be slightly different.

For full information on selecting the correct immersion depth for all types of sensors ask for our free 8 page immersion tutorial.
