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An invaluable resource
for buyers and engineers
This particular book presents Anglia's primary
capacitor product lines sourced from eleven key
suppliers. Compiled in a convenient format to
assist both buyers and engineers, it provides all
the essential data and part numbers to aid the
selection and ordering process for ease of design
and manufacturing. The lines detailed are those
considered to offer the best in terms of
performance, cost and availability.

The Capacitor book is Volume 2 of a series of 3
books specifically covering passive components
and published exclusively by Anglia.

Tel : +44 (0)1945 47 47 47
Fax : +44 (0)1945 47 48 49
Email : [email protected]
Web : www.anglia.com

Address : Sandall Road, Wisbech, PE13 2PS U.K.

The remaining two books in the series
cover Resistors and Inductors.
These are available in our Product
Literature section on our website