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Order Number ITD0709071CE
B34 Canada: D10

High Definition Plasma Display
Model No. TH-103PF10UK
Model No. TH-103PF10EK
GPF10D Chassis

1 Safety Precautions----------------------------------------------- 3 7.5. Removal of HDMI-Board (UK) ------------------------ 28
1.1. General Guidelines---------------------------------------- 3 7.6. Removal of HDD-Board (EK) ------------------------- 28
2 Warning -------------------------------------------------------------- 4 7.7. Removal of DS-Board ---------------------------------- 28
2.1. Prevention of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) 7.8. Removal of HX-Board----------------------------------- 29
to Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices---------- 4 7.9. Removal of DN-Board ---------------------------------- 29
2.2. About lead free solder (PbF)---------------------------- 5 7.10. Removal of PB-Board----------------------------------- 29
3 Service Navigation ----------------------------------------------- 6 7.11. Removal of H5-Board ----------------------------------- 30
3.1. Service Hint ------------------------------------------------- 6 7.12. Removal of D-Board ------------------------------------ 30
3.2. Applicable signals ----------------------------------------- 8 7.13. Removal of P-Board (MULTI_1), (MULTI_2) ------ 30
4 Specifications ----------------------------------------------------10 7.14. Removal of P-Board (SUS_1), (SUS_2) ----------- 31
5 Service Mode -----------------------------------------------------11 7.15. Removal of F-Board ------------------------------------ 31
5.1. CAT (Computer Aided Test) mode ------------------- 11 7.16. Removal of PC-Board ---------------------------------- 32
5.2. IIC mode structure (following items value is 7.17. Removal of SU-Board ---------------------------------- 32
sample data) -----------------------------------------------15 7.18. Removal of SM-Board ---------------------------------- 33
5.3. Option Setting ---------------------------------------------16 7.19. Removal of SD-Board ---------------------------------- 34
6 Troubleshooting Guide ----------------------------------------18 7.20. Removal of SC-Board --------------------------------- 34
6.1. Self Check--------------------------------------------------18 7.21. Removal of SC2-Board -------------------------------- 35
6.2. No Power ---------------------------------------------------20 7.22. Removal of S1-Board and V2-Board---------------- 35
6.3. No Picture --------------------------------------------------20 7.23. Removal of SS2-Board -------------------------------- 36
6.4. Local screen failure --------------------------------------21 7.24. Removal of SS3-Board -------------------------------- 36
7 Disassembly and Assembly Instructions ---------------22 7.25. Removal of SS-Board ---------------------------------- 37
7.1. Rear Cover and Board ----------------------------------22 7.26. Removal of Fan------------------------------------------- 38
7.2. Location of Rear Cover screws -----------------------23 7.27. Removal of C1-Board ----------------------------------- 39
7.3. Removal of Side Angle (L), (R) -----------------------26 7.28. Removal of C2-Board ----------------------------------- 39
7.4. Removal of HA-Board -----------------------------------27 7.29. Removal of C3-Board ----------------------------------- 40