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File No. S360-09
Form GA27-2731-2

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/36D Component Description

IBM 2265 Display Station Modell

IBM 2845 Display Control

This manual describes the functional and operating characteristics of the
I IBM 2265 Display Station Model 1 and the IBM 2845 Display Control. The
two units combine to form a display system that provides visual access to
data stored in an IBM System/360. The IBM 2265 Display Station Model 2,
which can be attached only to an IBM 2772 Multi-Purpose Control Unit, is
described in System Components: IBM 2770 Data Communications
I System, Form GA27-3013.

This SRL publication assumes the reader has a knowledge IBM System/360 Principles of Operation, Form
of System/360 principles of operation. Therefore, dis- GA22-6821
cussions of such System/360 considerations as instruction IBM 2701 Data Adapter Unit - Component Description,
and command structures, Channel Status Word and Pro- Form GA22-6864
gram Status Word locations and usage, varieties and pri- IBM System/360 Bibliography, Form GA22-6822

orities of interruptions, and generalized capabilities such as IBM Multiplexers and Communications Terminals
I/O channel status and sense byte usage, command and Installation Manual- Physical Planning, Form
data chaining, length suppression, etc., have been kept to GA27-3006
a minimum. This publication does not differentiate be-
tween the various models of System/360; i.e., main storage Note: In this manual, "I/O (input/output) channel" refers
capacities, sub channel allocations, sharing and nonsharing to a multiplexer channel. This device provides the data
of I/O channel and processor circuitry, and so forth. The path and controls between the central processor and the
reader is directed to the authoritative source for each 2701 Data Adapter Unit. "Communications channel"
model of System/360, System/360 Functional Character- refers to the communications medium (telephone lines,
istics (by model). Other IBM publications that will be of telegraph, microwave, etc.) used to transmit data, via
use to the reader are: appropriate data sets, between the 2701 and the 2265-1/
2845 display system.

Third Edition (January, 1970)

This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, Form A27-2731-1 and Technical Newsletter N27-2948.
The significant changes in this edition include the following:
1. The title has been changed to reflect that this publication describes the 2265 Modell; a
reference to the publication that describes the 2265 Model 2 has been added to the abstract.
2. Line Addressing Feature 4802 has been removed and Line Addressing Feature 4801 has
been revised.
3. Installation planning data has been replaced with a reference to the publication that contains
this data.
4. Display station keyboard indicator and pushbutton names have been corrected.
Changes to text and tables are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed
illustrations are denoted by the symbol. to the left of the caption.
Changes are periodically made to the specifications herein; before using this publication
in connection with the operation of IBM systems, refer to the latest System/360 SRL
Newsletter, Form GN20-0360, for the editions that are applicable.

Text for this manual has been prepared with the IBM SELECTRIC @Composer.

A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments. If the form
has been removed, comments may be addJ:essed to: IBM Systems Development Division,
Product Publications, Dept. 520, Neighborhood Road, Bldg. 960-1, Kingston, N.Y., 12401.