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On-line curartor: Glenn Robb


275A Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California, U.S.A.

Copyright 19S6 Hewlett-Packard Company
-hp- Oscillators - .008 to 10,000,000 cps
instrument P r i m a r y Uses Frequency Range Output Price
Four widely used -hp- oscilla-
tors have been redesigned into -hp- 200AB Audio tests 20 cps t o 40 KC I watV24.5 v $130.00
two compact, lightweight instru-
ments offering wider frequency
range, more operating simplic- -hp- 200CD Audio, ultrasonic tests 5 cps t o 600 KC 160 mw/lO v 160.00
ity, highest accuracy and stabil-
ity. New Models 200AB and -hp- 200J
Interpolation and frequency 6 cps t o 6 KC 160 mw/lO v * 275.00
200CD replace Models 200A measurements
through 200D, retain the time-
tested RC circuits that insure -hp- 200T Telemetry, carrier current tests 250 cps t o 100 KC 160 mw/lO v * 350.00
constant output, low distortion; require no zero
set. -hp- also offers Model 202A for sub-audio and
audio tests; and Model 200J a spread-scale oscil-
-hp- 201C H i g h quality audio tests 20 cps t o 20 3 v I 225.00

lator for interpolation or where frequency must be
known precisely.
-hp- 202A 1 Low frequency measurements I ,008 t o 1,200 cps I 20 mw/lO v I 465.00A

-hp- 202C Low frequency measurements I cps t o 100 KC 160 mw/lO v 300.00
-hp. 205AG H i g h power tests, gain measurements 20 cps t o 20 KC 5 watts 440.00A
Highly stable, wide band
(10 cps to 10 MC) multi-
-hp- 206A H i g h quality, high accuracy audio testq 20 cps t o 20 KC +I5 dbm 565.00A
purpose test oscillator for
audio, supersonic, video,

and rf measurements. Out- -hp- 233A Carrier test oscillator 50 CPS t o 500 KC 3 w/600 ohms 475.00
put variable 30 pv to 3 v.
Frequency response flat * -hp- 650A Wide range video tests I O cps t o IO M C 15 mw/3 v 490.00A
1 db. Output impedance 600 ohms, or 6 ohms with
voltage divider. $490.00A. 'Open circuit 20 volts. Internal impedance 600 ohms.

-hp- Distortion, Wave Form Analyzers - 20 cps to 20 KC

Instrument P r i m a r y Uses Frequency Range Characteristics Price
Variable selectivity:
-hp- 300A Wave form analyzer 30 CPS to 16 KC range o.l
measuring mv to 5oo $775.00
Measures distortion as low
as 0.1Q, 20 cps to 20 KC.
Measures noise voltages as
.hp. 330B Measures audio 20 cps t o 20 KC Includes input amplifier, VTVM 4lO.OOA
low as 100 pv. High sensi- distortion
tivity, high stability, broad
applicability for broadcast, For FM broadcast 2o cps to 2o KC Special VU meter t o meet 440.00A
laboratory or production. -hp- measurements F.C.C. requirements
Wide band 20 db gain input amplifier. Built-in
VTVhi usable separately. $410.00A.
-hp- 330D
For AM-FM broadcast 2o cps to 2o KC A M detector and VU meter t o 455,00A
measurements meet F.C.C. requirements

-hp- Vacuum Tube Voltmeters - 10 to 700,000,000 cps
-hp- 400D VACUUM TUBE VOLTMETER Frequency Voltage input
instrument P r i m a r y Uses Range Range impedance Price

General purpose ac Io cps to 6oo KC 0.3 mv to 300 v I O me ohms
-hp- 400AB measurements II ranges 15 @&?shunt s200'oo
Bast -hp- voltmeter ever built !
Covers all frequencies 10 cps to W i d e range ac measurements. cps to MC O
0.1 mv t o 300 v I megohms 225.00
4 MC. Extremely sensitive, wide -hp- 400D H i g h sensitivity I2 ranges 15 ppf shunt
range, accurate within 2% to 1
MC, measures 0.1 mv to 300 v. -hp- 400H Extreme accuracy cps to 0.1 mv t o 300 v I O megohms
Direct reading in dbm. 10 m e g measurements 12 ranges 15 fipf shunt 325.00
ohm input impedance insures
negligible loading on circuits un-
der test. New amp)lifier circuit with 56 db mid-range
I - h p - 410B Audio, rf, VHF measurements;
dc voltages: resistances
cps to 7oo MCI 0.1 t o 300 v
7 ranges
IO megohms1
1.5 ppf shunt

feedback assures utmost stability, freedom from
change due to external conditions. $225.00. -hp- Voltmeter Accessories (not listed) include voltage dividers, connectors, shunts and
multipliers to extend the useful range of your equipment.

A Includes new lightweight all-metal cabinet with carrying handles. Also available for rack mounting at slightly lower prices.
2 Data subject to change without notice. Prices f.o.6. factory.
with plug=in units to fit your exact measuring need

-hp- 525B -hp. 526A -hp- 5268
Frequency C o n v e r t e r Video A m p l i f l e r Time I n t e r v a l hi+

Instrument P r i m a r y Uses Frequency R a n g e Characteristics Price

-hp- 5248 W i d e range Without plug-in units
Electronic highly accurate Iocps to lo measures frequency IO cps
Counter frequency, period t o I O MC, and period 0 cps to
measurements I O KC, I volt rms minimum input
-hp- 524B COUNTER with -hp- 525A
524B i o mv rms minimum
range t o 100 M C
IO cps t o 100 MC input IO MC t o 100 MC 250.00
Frequency 10 cps to 220 MC, interval 1 psec to Converter 0.1 volt from I O cps t o I O M C
100 days and period 0 cps to 10 KC-all meas- -hp- 5258
ured instantly, automatically, directly by the Frequency 0.2 volt rms minimum input
revolutionary new -bp- 524B and its plug-in
units. You buy just the instrumentation you Increases
need; later add inexpensive plug-ins to double, of -hp- 5248
triple the versatility of this complete coverage
instrument. For extended coverage to 12,000
MC, see -hp- 540A Transfer Oscillator below.
-hp- 524B without plug-ins. $2,150.00A.

Other -hp- Frequency Measuring and Monitoring Equipment
-hp- 521A INDUSTRIAL COUNTER P r i m a r y Uses Frequency Range Characteristics Price
Most useful, accurate, low cost
industrial counter. Measures
frequency, speed, rpm, random Standard
events, other phenomena. Direct
readings 1 cps to 120 KC. Time Indicates visual, aural carrier fre-
TVovisual, aural and quency deviation, carrier separa- 2,050.00
of count 0.1 or 1.0 seconds; vari- / mod. monitor
. through 83 tion. % modulation aural carrier
able display time. High accuracy
plug-in crystal controlled time
base, $100 extra. Sturdy, rugged,
simple to operate. $475.00.
Rapid frequency
I 3 cps to 100 KC
9 ranges & 2% accuracy.
Input 0.2 t o 200 volts
Provides expanded scale. I 285.00

Electronic M measurements 180 t o 9 ranges i 2% accuracy.
-hp- 523B ELECTRONIC COUNTER Tachometer Of high speed 3,000,000 r p m Provides expanded scale. 285'00
Indicator machinery
Revolutionary new all-purpose
counter measures frequency 10
cps to 1.1 MC, time interval 3
psec t o 27.8 h o u r s , p e r i o d
0.00001 cps to 10 KC. Stability
-hp- 506A

-hp- 508A
transducer I
300 t o
3oo,ooo rpm I
Utilizes reflected beam of
light t o permit measurement
without loadina

Low torque I5 t o Provides 60 output pulses
2/1,000,000 per week. Results Tachometer transducer 40,000 r p m per r p m of rotating shaft loo'oo
displayed in sec, msec, psec or Generator
KC;automatic decimal. Display
time variable 0.1 sec to 5 sec
or indefinitely. Accuracy 1
Low torque
15 t o
40,000 r p m
Provides 100 output pulses
per r p m of rotating shaft I loo,oo

counr plus crystal stability. 5 gate times, usable Fast, direct readings of signals
with 100 KC primary standard. $1,175.00. Frequency
Converter 2~$;~hp605~2 t o 100 M C
100 KC
tp 100 M C with Min. input charts,
interpolation. 524A. N o 0.01 v

~ ~~

-hp- 522B ELECTRONIC COUNTER Same as 512A except for
Gives -hp- 524A
frequency coverage 350.00
and input 0.2 v RMS min.
Capacity 100 counts
-hp- 520A For counting in 2 decades. of
1OO:l divider for operation
Nuclear high-rate pulses 10,000,000p r
p low speed scalers 615.00A
Scaler countina r a t e

reset, action repetitive. Stability of time base Counter
5/1,000,000. Display length variable. Easily used
by untrained personnel. $915.00A. -hp- 5228

Measures rate of occurrences

-hp- 5238 Wide-range p.OOOOl t o 100,000see; time
Electronic period IO cps t o 1.1 M C interval 3 psec t o 27.8 hrs.; 1,175.00
Counter time interval periods of frequency counted
measurements I ar I O cvcles of unknown.

quency of CW, pulse, or F M d signals to 5,000 MC. -hp. 540A UHF, SHF Fundamental W i t h 524B and 525B measures
Transfer frequency frequency frequencies t o 5,000 MC; with 615.00A
With external detector extends range to 12,000 MC. Oscillator measurement 100 M C t o 220 M C ext. detectors t o 12 K M C

A lncludes new lightweight all-metal cabinet with carrying handles. Also available f o r rack mounting at slightly lower prices.
Data subject to change without notice. Prices f.0.b. factory. 3
Microwave Impedance Measuring Equipment
Instrument P r i m a r y Uses Frequency Range Characteristics Price
-hp- 4158 STANDING
WAVE INDICATOR Cutoff i r e uencies
-hp- 360A-D Eliminate A-700RC 50 d b rejection a t $ 40.00
harmonic voltages
For all waveguide or coaxial Low Pass F,l+ers
from UHF systems
B-I,200 M C
C-2,200 M C
1.25 cutoff freq.
slotted sections. Gives readings D-4,100 M C
i n S W R or db. Single fre- -hp- 415B 0 t o 60 db. attn.
q u e n q operation; 315 to 3,000 Standing Wave SWR indicator or Normal freq.
to 3'000 cps Max. sensitivity 200.00
cps. Low noise level, 0.1 pv Indicator null indicator 1,000 cps 0.1 p v full scale
(full scale) sensitivity, 60 db. -hp- 416A Measures reflection I ,ooo cps 4o cps
Min. 3 millivolts and
calib. attenuator. $200.00. 0.3 pv; 450.00A
Ratio Meter coefficient, SWR accuracv + 2%

I -hp- 417A
VHF Detector
I VHF bridge
detector I O to 500 M C
Approx. 5 pv
sensitivity 250.00

(for -hQ- 8 U A )
2 to 2,000 ohms
Measurement of impedance - 90"
VHF Bridge
-hp- 803A VHF i r n n t a n c e , 50 to 500 M C to + 90" phase

-hp- 806A For Type N
Coaxial Measurement 500 t o 4,000 M C Connectors, 475.00
Slotted Section of SWR flexible cables
-hp- 8055 For r i g i d '/a"
Coaxial Same as above Same as above RG44/U line 475.00
Slotted Section

variations. Contains rf power monitor indicating
proper power level. Rear terminal signal available
I -hp- 8068
Slotted Section 1I Same as above
(Mounts in 8098) I 3'800 to '2'ooo MC 1 For Type N
flexible cables

to operate oscilloscope or recorder. Suitable for sin-
gle and swept frequency operation. $450.00A.
-hp- 8098
Probe Carriage
Supports 806B section, also 6, H, X
and P810B Waveguide sections I Accepts 4428 and
444A probes 160.00

-hp- Waveguide Test Equipment
Basic, low cost elements offer utmost flexibility for assembly of exact
- 2.6 to 40.0 KMC
instrumentation required. Each unit covers entire range of its waveguide
size. Simple, sturdy mechanical design; accurate, multi-purpose operation.

Instrument -
26.5 40.0

R375A $70


R752 $120

1.0 K M C $225
R815A $200
R870A $ I40
R880A $ I70


R914A $75

R920A $85

tFor use with barretter or crystal. $For use with barretter only. *Complete assembly including carriage.