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1st Quarter 1989

How To Build a Stripline Filter
John Kristiansen
Hew lett-Packard

In a n earlier issue of Bench Briefs,
John Kristiansen described the me-
chanical steps required to fabricate
RF breadboard circuits with copper
tape. In this article, John will show
you how to apply those same princi-
ples of fabrication, combined with a
few basic microwave formulas, to
construct a microstrip bandpass filter
using parallel resonators made of
copper tape. If you desire a more
accurate filter, you can use the same
principles presented in this article to
design a filter etched on a PC board.
Figure 1. Microstrip is separated from a ground plane by a dielectric substrate (a). Since
not all field lines pass through the substrate (b), a quasi-TEM analysis is used.
Since we are now dealing with mi-
crowave frequencies above 0.5 GHz,
this article assumes that the reader N6JH; Rick Campbell, KK7B; and wave hairpin filter. This filter has its
has a fair amount of knowledge in James Davey, WASNLC. These arti- elements folded in half with every
microwave and microwave cles cover interdigital filters, micro- other element reversed (see Figure 2
instrumentation. wave local oscillators u s i n g a (c)). No ground connections are re-
combination of filter and MMICs, and quired. Coupling between elements
Fundamental Concepts experiments with microstrip band- of the hairpin filter is closer than in
pass filters in the range of 2160 to the parallel strip filters and needs to
Let me start out by defining what I 5780 MHz. There is also an IEEE be adjusted through trial and error.
mean by a microstrip transmission paper by J . Wong that comes close to According to Mr. Davey, test results
line. A microstrip (see Figure 1) a cookbook design of microstrip filters. of the hairpin filter were very good.
transmission line consists of a strip Filter loss was 1.5 dB and the ripple
conductor and a ground plane sepa- The filters that I have experimented was 0.2 dB.
rated by a dielectric medium. The with since 1970 are shown in Figure
2: the 4-pole ungrounded quarter- Using the copper tape fabrication
dielectric material serves as a struc- procedure, you can experiment with
tural substrate upon which the thin- wave bandpass filter and a 5-pole
quarter-wave filter with each reson- any of these filters, or build a power
film metal conductors are deposited. splitter or directional coupler. The .
Conductors are usually gold or copper. ator grounded on alternating ends.
The bandwidth of the 4-pole filter is filters we will build are the narrow
In our case, the metal conductors will bandwidth 4-pole design shown in
actually be the copper tape. less than the 5-pole, and the insertion
loss of both filters is slightly over Figure 2 (a) and the wider bandwidth
4.2 dB as measured in the first test. 5-pole design shown in Figure 2 (b).
Choosing a Filter Design Since the insertion loss is dependent
on how accurately the filter is con- List of Givens and Knowns
An enormous amount of material has structed, this figure can be improved.
been written on microwave filter de- Our circuit will use the standard G10
sign. H a m Radio magazine has pub- Another filter design that is described epoxy fiber printed circuit (PC) board
lished articles by Jerry Hinshaw, by James Davey is the 5-pole quarter- with copper clad on one side only.

Pub. NO. 5952-0133 @ Hewlett-Packard 1989
The total thickness of the board is
1.41 mm (as measured with a mi- A. C = Velocity of light = 30 x lo9 c d s e c
crometer). The number we will use
in the microwave formulas will be B. A = Wavelength in cm -t
the thickness of only the substrate, Bandpass center frequency of 1.2 GHz
which is 1.37 mm.
C. f =

D. h = Height (or thickness) of the substrate
Let's start with a list of definitions
and symbols, some of which we will E. W = Width of the microstrip (copper tape)
use in the formulas. F. t = Thickness of copper tape

G. z o = Impedance (self-impedance per unit length -
List of Formulas 50 ohms)
The microwave formulas we will use H. S = Separation between strip resonators
are listed below. For more informa-
tion on this subject, see the list of I. VSWR = Standing wave ratio
references at the end of this article. = Ratio of the thickness of the substrate to the width
J. Ratio
of the copper tape
L. Er = Relative dielectric constant of the substrate
B. To calculate full wavelength in
Calculations copper strip works with the physical
c,, characteristics of the PC board to
cm, A =- Working through the following for- determine the impedance of the filter.
f mulas will determine the fundamen- To solve that equation we need to
Note: This is an approximation tal characteristics of a bandpass filter. use Figure 3 (Ref. 1)to find the ratio
since the speed of light in free The answers I am presenting here factor for the epoxy G10 board. (Fig-
space differs from that in a die- are highlighted and apply only to the ure 3 shows the dielectric constant
lectric. However, for these calcu- example filter for this article. By for other types of boards, but epoxy
lations, the results are very close. changing the impedance, bandpass G10 is the most common and is the
C. To calculate quarter wavelength
center frequency specifications, or the
type of pc board material, you can
one I have selected for our filter.) The
chart shows that the dielectric con-
cm build a filter that will meet your own stant for an epoxy board is 4.8. Since
incm,A=- specifications. we are building a filter that is ter-
minated to 50 ohms, follow the curve
D. Separation between microstrip Copper Strip Width to where it intersects with the 50-
resonators in mm, ohm horizontal line, then trace
t The first step is to solve for the width straight down to the bottom line.
S = h + -(Ref.3) of each copper strip. The width of the Note that Figure 3 provides imped-

2.47 mm 1.41 mm

Figure 2. Three types of bandpass filter design (not drawn to scale)

ance figures for a single-strip trans-
mission line. Therefore, the 50-ohm

r impedance of an isolated strip is a
rough approximation of a real case.
The coupling effect of adjacent strips
changes the complex impedance,
which lowers the net impedance (ZJ.
And the lower the net impedance,
the higher the insertion loss.

For this example, the ratio is shown
to be 1.8. This is the ratio of the
height (thickness) of the dielectric to
the width of the copper strip. Since
the thickness of the dielectric is al-
ready known (see the list of givens
above), we can easily solve for the
copper tape width. From the list of
formulas, we use formula A:

A. W = ratio X h
W = 1.8 x 1.37
W = 2.47 mm

Copper Strip Length
The next step is t o calculate the
length of each copper strip, which Figure 3. Chart showing ratio of substrate thickness to width of the copper tape.

c determines the bandpass frequency.
The 4-pole and 5-pole filters differ
slightly in this calculation due to the
effect of grounding the opposite ends
Separation Between
Copper Strips
2. Cut several pieces of copper tape
the same length as the board.
of every other resonator in the 5-pole
The final step is to calculate the 3. Using an X-ACTO knife and a
design. The grounded end of the
separation between the copper strips, good straight edge (small metal
5-pole filter doubles the effective
which determines the bandwidth and metric ruler), score the copper
length of the strip, which means that
passband ripple. From the list of tape lengthwise into at least six
for the same bandpass frequency, the
formulas, we use formula D (Ref. 3): strips t h a t a r e 2.47 mm wide,
actual length of the copper strip being careful not to cut through
needs to be half the calculated value.
D. Separation between microstrip the adhesive backing tape. For
From the list of formulas we use
resonators proper termination, it is important
formulas B and C:
that the width of the copper strips
t .076
B. Full wavelength in cm S=h+- S = 1.37 + - be as accurate as possible; this
2 2 helps minimize VSWR ratio and
A=- cf
ef 30 x 109 insertion loss. Leave the copper
A= strips on the backing tape until
f 1.2 x 109 needed.
Building Steps
4. Score across one end of the strips.
Four-Pole Design Then trim four of the strips to
C. Quarter wavelength in cm approximately 3 mm longer than
1. The first step is to cut a 5 cm x 6.25 cm (6.25 cm + 3 mm). This
cm 25 8 c m board from the G10 stock 3 mm excess will be used for fine-
A=- A=-
4 4 using shop shears, then sand the tuning the filter during the test
edges smooth. Now scribe a guide procedure. The 3 mm excess will
line down the center of the dielec- also lower the center frequency by
tric side of the board (long way) approximately 30 MHz. You can
We will build the filter in quarter so you can lay the copper strips in trim the strips one mm at a time,
f wavelength since it takes less space. a straight line. It would be a good later in the test procedure.
Note that the overall frequency of idea to clean the board with alco-
the 5-pole filter is half the value of hol to remove any oil residue that 5. Peel one of the copper strips from
the 4-pole when using the same would prevent the copper strips the backing tape. Place the first
length copper strips. from sticking. Set the board aside. strip on the center of the board

following the scribed line. Place 3. Using a n X-ACTO knife and a Test Procedure
t h e second copper strip t o the good straight edge (small metal
outside of the first strip with a
spacing of 1.41 mm (from the ear-
metric ruler), score the copper
tape lengthwise into at least seven
I tested both filters with a Hewlett-
Packard Model 8510 Network Ana- 7
lier calculations with formula D). strips t h a t a r e 2.47 mm wide, lyzer. This analyzer provided the fre-
Place the next two strips on the being careful not to cut through quency response and delay distortion
opposite side of the first strip the adhesive backing tape. For measurements shown in Figures 4
m a i n t a i n i n g t h e s p a c i n g of proper termination, it is important and 5 . The phase data is required to
1.41 mm between each strip. that the width of the copper strips measure delay distortion or group
be as accurate as possible; this delay. Delay distortion occurs when
6. Refer to Figure 2 (a). Place the minimizes VSWR ratio and mini- different frequency components of a
W2 connector strips 5 cm from one mizes insertion loss. Leave the complex waveform experience non-
end of the strips, overlapping each copper strips on the backing tape linear phase shifts. Group delay is a
outside W1 strip half way. The until needed. measurement of this distortion and
placement of W2 in this example is measured using several techniques;
was selected to minimize insertion the most common being phase slope
loss. The actual placement in an- 4. Peel one of the copper strips from (which is what I used), amplitude
other filter design will have to be the backing tape. Place the strip modulation, frequency modulation,
accomplished through trial and in the center of the board following and frequency deviation.
error. the scribed line and align one end
of the strip with one end of the It is important for the reader t o
7. Place the OSM connector on the board. Wrap the other end of the realize that if phase response is cru-
board so that the solder post is strip around the opposite edge of cial to your filter characteristics, then
centered on the W2 copper strip. the board to the ground plane you must use a microwave vector
Apply solder to the post and copper side. Place the second copper strip network analyzer similar to t h e
strip t o make the connection. Sol- to the outside of the first strip, HP 8510 (or HP 8753-Ref. 6) to char-
der the flange of the OSM connec- aligning the end of the strip with acterize the filter. On the other hand,
tor to the copper-clad side of the the end of the board around which if phase response is not so crucial,
board. Solder the point where W2 you just wrapped the first strip. and the cost plus accessability of test
overlays W1. Maintain the spacing between the equipment becomes a limiting factor,
strips at 1.41 mm (from the earlier
Five-Pole Design calculations with formula D). Place
the remaining strips on the board,
refer to HP Application Note 183
(Ref. 7) f o r o t h e r m e a s u r e m e n t T7
alternating t h e ends t h a t are
I am making the physical length of
aligned with the end of the board,
this filter the same length as the 4- w r a p p i n g e a c h opposite end
pole filter to demonstrate that alter- Fine Tuning the Filter
around the edge of the board to
nately grounding the ends of the the ground plane. See
strips causes the effective length of The two filters can be tuned in several
Figure 2 (b). ways. If you use the X-ACTO knife
the strips to double, which lowers the
overall frequency by half. Since the and cut one mm from the ends of the
calculations for the length of the 5 . Refer to Figure 2 (b). Place the strips, you will increase the center
strips for the 4-pole filter indicated W2 connector strips 5 cm from one frequency. Conversely, if you add to
6.25 cm, I will cut the 5-pole board end of the strips, overlapping each the strips you will lower the center
this same exact length and wrap outside W1 strip half way. The frequency.
every other end of the copper strips placement of W2 in this example
around the end of the board and was selected to minimize insertion If the VSWR is high, you will have
solder them to the ground plane. loss. The actual placement in an- high insertion loss. This could be due
other filter design will have to be to the coupling effect of adjacent
1. Cut a 6 cm x 6.25 cm board from accomplished through trial and strips changing the complex imped-
the G10 stock using shop shears, error. ance (discussed earlier in the para-
then sand the edges smooth. Now graph on determining the copper strip
scribe a guide line down the center width). Remember that the calcula-
of the dielectric side of the board 6. Place the OSM connector on the tions from the ratio chart in Figure
(long way) so you can lay the board so that the solder post is 3 are only approximations of a real
copper strips in a straight line. It centered on the W2 copper strip. case.
would be a good idea to clean the Apply solder to the post and copper
board with alcohol to remove any strip to make the connection. Sol- Also, if the insertion loss is high, you
oil residue that would prevent the der the flange of the OSM connec- want to pay close attention to the
tor to the copper-clad side of the precision of the copper strips. Make
copper strips from sticking. Set
the board aside. board. Solder the point where W2 certain that the strips have smooth 3
overlays W1. Solder each wrapped edges and are lying flat on the board.
2. Cut several pieces of copper tape end of the copper strips to the Use a burnishing tool (a ball point
about 7 cm long. ground plane. pen works nicely) to rub the strips

W =117.72 Mb

' I


t 1

Figure 4. Four-pole filter frequency response and phase shift plot. Figure 5. Five-pole filter frequency response and phase shift plot.
The insertion loss is 3.4 dB. The insertion loss is 4.2 dB.

flat. Also keep in mind t h a t the Table 1. List of Supplies
formulas did not take into account
the thickness of the adhesive of the Description H P P/N
copper strips, which can change the
figures ? five percent. Roll of Adhesive-Backed 3M Scotch
Copperfoil Tape 1"Wide #1181 0460-0762
9 passband the filter bandwidth and
ripple are determined by Roll of Adhesive-Backed Permacel
the spacing between the resonators. Copperfoil Tape %" Wide #P-391 -
Try changing the spacing between
Roll of Clear Mylar Tape With 3M Scotch
the first and last resonators. This # 8428 -
Yellow Adhesive
changes the "Q" which affects the
insertion loss. Overall, fine tuning Roll of Clear Mylar Tape With 3M Scotch
can improve the insertion loss by Clear Adhesive #850 -
< 2dB.
OSC Connector 2052-1628-02
The purpose of using copper tape to
construct the microstrip filter is to
allow you to, in a sense, "breadboard" with this method and refine the Bahl: Microstrip Lines and Slot-
the filter to obtain "rough results" measurements into a workable model lines, Artech House, Inc., 1979,
before you etch the final printed that can be used as a blueprint for Dedham MA.
circuit. The breadboard circuit should an etched PC board.
provide you the bandpass and band- 4. Stephen A. Maas: Microwave Mix-
`I width figures to within approximately ers, Artech House, Inc., 1986, Ded-
15 percent accuracy. However, for References ham, MA.
( 1

! phase response, it is very important
to understand that this method of 1. Communications Transistor Corp., 5 . I.J. Bahl, D.K. Trivedi: "A Design-
design construction is very limiting Design Charts To Aid i n RF Power er's Guide to Microstrip Line,"
due to the somewhat uncontrolled A m p l ifier Design, Microst rip Microwaves, May 1977.
phase results. Impedance vs. Width/Height.
Wheeler's equations are used. 6. H P 8753B Network A n a l y z e r
The method of construction I have User's Guide, HP Part No.
3 presented in this article is only an
approximation. Phase delay plays an
2. Harlan Howe, Jr.: Stripline Circuit
Design, Artech House, Inc. 1974,

important part in filter design and Dedham, MA. 7. HP Application Note 183, High
must always be taken into consider- Frequency Swept Measurements,
ation. I hope that you will experiment 3. K.C. Gupta, Ramesh Garg, I.J. HP Publication No. 5952-9200. 0

recommended locking compound is
Safety-Related 35660A-01-S describes a possible
safety hazard that may occur if the Loctite 242, HP PIN 0470-0231. Note
Service Notes screw that secures the right front
handle becomes loose.
that the compound must be reapplied
to this handle screw whenever it is f.
HP 35660A Dynamic Signa1 The safety service note describes the
Analyzer procedure of applying a thread lock- You may order this safety service
ing compound to the handle screw note using the Bench Briefs order
Product Safety Service Note nearest CHANNEL 2's input. The form on the rear page. 0

local service office immediately to
Important Notice expedite your order. IMPORTANT . . .
5183A-2A. All serial prefixes. Software modification to
the basic recorder driver to improve performance
(software revision 2812 and below).
Service notes contain product-specific I C E ) SHIPMENTS WILL NO COUNTER
service information for H P s electronic LONGER BE MADE. IF YOU WANT 5342A-41B. Serials 2317A07386 through 2317A07905.
Installing grounding screws to eliminate high fre-
products. Subjects include product TO CONTINUE TO RECEIVE quency miscount.
improvements, modifications, and QUARTERLY UPDATES TO THE 5342A-49A. All serials. Modification to prevent HP-IB
procedures for troubleshooting, MICROFICHE LIBRARY, YOU lock-up problem.
5342A-50. All serials. Improved IF adjustment
maintenance, and repair. Service MUST PLACE A NEW ORDER procedures.
Notes are published as appropriate DURING THE FIRST MONTH OF
throughout the life of a product, and EACH QUARTER (MAY, AUGUST, COUNTER
new notes are announced in Bench NOVEMBER, FEBRUARY). Note 5343A-26A. All serials. Modification to prevent HP-IB
Briefs. that inventory will be purged at the lock-up problem.
5343A-28. All serials. Improved I F adjustment
end of each quarter. Contact your procedures.
At this time, Hewlett-Packard is re- local HP saledservice office for more
structuring the procedure for han- information. CONVERTER with the HP 5345A Electronic
HP 3235A/E SWITCHITEST UNIT Counter and the HP 5356AIBICID
dling and distributing instrument- Frequency Converter Heads
3235AiE-7. HP 34520A DMM serial numbers:
related service notes through Bench 2628A00363 and below. Incorrectly inserted 5355A-4. HP 5355A serial prefixes 2242A to 2732A.
Briefs and the microfiche program. capacitor. Modifications to eliminate error code 83, 86. 89
Bench Briefs 3453A-7A. All serials. DSRU reference board gain and 5359A-8. Serials 2714A01371 and below. Modification
offset adjustment. to reduce dc offset drift.
We are working on a subscription HP 5371A FREQUENCY AND TIME
program where for a small fee, cus- 3562A-10. Serials: Approx. 2 7 3 8 A 0 2 9 7 5 to
tomers can sign-up to receive service 5371A-2A. Serial prefixes 2812A and below. Instructions
2738A03390. Modification to improve power supply
for installing retrofit kit, HP PIN 05371-67002,
notes on a regular basis. The service reliability.
firmware revision 2820 upgrade.
notes may be divided up into product HP 3582A SPECTRUM ANALYZER 5371A-3A. Serials 2707A00101 through 2707A00160.
groups similar to the grouping in the 3582A-15. All serials. Specifications for correct ac HP 5371As with modification on A6 DMA/gate
main fuse. board may indicate A5 ZDT failure on power-up.
HP Test & Measurement Catalog. 5371A-4. All serials. Instructions for installing option
When this program is finalized later HP 3852X CONTROLLER FOR HP 3852A 060 rear panel inputs retrofit kit, P/N 05371-60230.
5371A-6. Serials 2824A and below. Instructions for
this year, announcements will be 3852X-6. Serials 2710A03189 and below. Fixes,
installing ZDT field replacement service kit, PIN
changes, and enhancements made in firmware
made in Bench Briefs. In the interim, revision 3.0. 05371-67003, for the A5 ZDTIcount assembly, P/
service notes will continue t o be N 05371-60025.
HP 4954A PROTOCOL ANALYZER 5371A-7. All serials with firmware revisions 2742,2748
distributed free of charge. Some cus- and 2812. Firmware revision anomalies and their
4954A-3. Serial numbers less than 2745A00600. Rec-
tomers may receive more service ommended modification to cure a performance workarounds.
notes than they order as we update verification loop test 32 or 33 failure. 5371A-8A. All serials with firmware revision 2828
installed. Firmware revision anomalies and their
our internal handling process. workarounds.
FREQUENCY STANDARD 5371A-9. Serials 2707AOOlOl through 2707A00160.
Inoperative save/recall feature may be due to bad
5061 A-13A. All serials. Replacement kit for cesium
Microfiche oven controller (PIN 05061-6173).
lithium battery.
5371A-10. Serials 2707A00101 through 2707A00112,
2707A00115, 2707A00117 through 2707A00125.
Service notes are still available on HP 5180A WAVEFORM RECORDER 2707A00128, 2707A00129. A6 DMNgate assembly
5180A-23. Series prefixes 2808A and below with the modificationto correct a possible miscount problem.
microfiche. The part numbers are: following exceptions: 2808A01327, 2808A01328,
2808A01331, 2 8 0 8 A 0 1 3 3 2 , 2 8 0 8 A 0 1 3 3 3 , HP 6030A DC POWER SUPPLY
Library 5951-6511 2808A01334,2808A01335. Improve memory related 6030A-08. Serials 281 1A0081 5 and above. Relay link
problems to increase reliability. enhancement for standard models. (A8 HP-IB inter-
Update service 5951-6517 face assembly part numbers 06031-61006 and
HP 5182A WAVEFORM RECORDER AND 06031 -61007).
All open orders of microfiche started GENERATOR
shipping 15 Dec 88. The shipment 5182A-3. Series prefixes 2808A and below with the HP 6031A DC POWER SUPPLY
consisted of six quarters of updates. following exceptions: 2808A00533, 2808A00534, 6031 A-10. Serials 2817A-00983 and above. Relay link
2808A00535, 2 8 0 8 A 0 0 5 3 6 . 2 8 0 8 A 0 0 5 3 7 , enhancement for standard models (A8 HP-IB inter-
If you have not received your service 2808A00538, 2808A00539, 2808A00540. Improve face assembly part numbers 06031-61006 and
note microfiche update, contact your memory related problems to increase reliability. 06031-61007).

6032A-09. Serials 2818A-03121 and above. Relay link GENERATOR WAVE SYNTHESIZER
enhancement for standard models (A8 HP-I8 inter- 8642A-8,86428-8. A1 1 and A12 module serial prefixes 8770A-16. Serials 2812A00516 through 2812A00543.
face assembly part numbers 06031-61006 and 2737A and below. Procedure to resolve A l l and Modification to improve synchronization with other
06031-610007). A1 2 trimcap leakage. HP 8770As.
6033A-07. Serials 2817A-03452 and above. Relay link 8904A-2. Serial prefix 2747A and below. Output over-
8662A-16. All serials. Power supply module (A7) is voltage protection improvement.
enhancement for standard models. (A8 HP-IB inter-
available as an exchange assembly part number 8904A-3. Serial prefix 2817A and below. Modification
face assembly part numbers 06031-61006 and
08662-69001. to eliminate potential power supply short.
HP 6038A DC POWER SUPPLY 8663A-10. All serials. Power supply module (A7) is 117290-3. Serial prefix 2806A and below. Modification
6038A/L-05. Serials 2817A-05426 and above. Relay available as an exchange assembly part number to prevent IF amplifier instability.
link enhancement for standard models (A8 HP-I8 08662-69001.
interface assembly part numbers 06031-61006 and
06031-61007). HP 8671B SYNTHESIZED SIGNAL
GENERATOR 11848A-1. Serial prefix 2720A and below. Modification
to eliminate potential line short.
8671 B-03A. All serials. Preferred replacement for pre-
HP 6621Al6622Al6623A16624A DC POWER
cision resistors.
6621A-01, 6622A-01, 6623A-01, 6624A-01. HP 86716 SYNTHESIZED PROCESSOR MODULE
6621A. Serials 2611A00110 and below; SIGNAL GENERATOR 35655-5. Serial prefix 2609A and below. HP-IBlsignal
6622A. Serials 261 1A00160 and below: 86718-04. Serial prefixes 2752A and below. Preferred processor module enhancements to improve
6623A. Serials 2611A00120 and below; replacement for the A3A5 DAC assembly. performance.
6624A. Serials 2624A00310 and below. 86718-05. Serial prefixes 2708A through 2823A. Im-
Modification to allow the Series 300 computer to proved reliability of the 20-30 MHz phase detector. HP 35652A INPUT MODULE
boot with power supply on (part required is ROM
35658-4. Serial prefix 2717A and below. Input module
5080-2093). HP 8672A SYNTHESIZED
enhancements to improve performance.
6621 A-02, 6622A-02. 6623A-02, 6624A-02. SIGNAL GENERATOR
6621 A. Serials 271 1A00340 and below; 8672A-20A. All serials. Preferred replacement for pre-
6622A. Serials 2701A00520 and below; cision resistors. HP 35660A DYNAMIC SIGNAL ANALYZER
6623A. Serials 2652A00400 and below; 8672A-21. Serial prefixes 2747A and below. Preferred 35660A-1-S. Serials 2816A00199 and below. The right
6624A. Serials 2652A01070 and below. replacement for the A3A5 assembly. front handle screw may come loose causing a
Microprocessor change to improve performance. 8672A-22. Serial prefixes 2708A through 2823A. Im- mechanical hazard.
6621A-03, 6623A-03. proved reliability of the 20-30 MHz phase detector.
6621A. Serials 2636A00240 and below; HP 51089A DISPLAY UNIT
6623A. Serials 2635A00260 and below. HP 86736 SYNTHESIZED 51089A-6. Serials 2814A0471 and below. New A l l
Modifications to prevent power transformer from SIGNAL GENERATOR triple regulator board and bracket to make all units
overheating at maximum output. 86738-6A. Serial prefixes 2634A to 2704A. Preferred compatible with the HP 5371A.
6621A-04, 6623A-04. replacement for A2A10 and A2All assemblies.

7 6621 A. Serials 2644A00280 and below;
6623A. Serials 2640A00300 and below.
Power transformer change to increase available
86738-14A. All serials. Preferred replacement for pre-
cision resistors.
86738-15. Serials 2747A01081 to 2747A01126. Mod-
Serials 2733A and below. Loop 41 through 44 may fail
output voltage. ification for improved reliability of the + 5V supply. erroneously.
6621A-05, 6622A-03. 6623A-05, 6624A-03. 86738-16. Serial prefixes 2747A and below. Preferred
6621 A. Serials 2644A00280 and below; replacement for the A3A5 DAC assembly. HP 64120A INSTRUMENTATION
6622A. Serials 2627A00460 and below; 86738-17. Serial prefixes 2708A through 2823A. Im- CARDCAGE
6623A. Serials 2649A00340 and below; proved reliability of the 20-30 MHz phase detector. 64120A-1. All serials. Card slots 8 and 9 are not
6624A. Serials 2631 A00890 and below. interrupt disabled during powerup P.V.
Insulator added to power transformer. HP 8673C SYNTHESIZED 64120A-2. All serials. Metal filings in cardcage cause
6621A-06, 6622A-04, 6623A-06, 6624A-04. SIGNAL GENERATOR unusual and intermittent errors.
6621 A. Serials 2742A00411 and below; 8673C-6A. Serial prefixes 2634A to 2704A. Preferred
6622A. Serials 2740A00621 and below; replacement for A2A10 and A2A11 assemblies.
8673C-15A. All serials. Preferred replacement for
6623A. Serials 2740A00471 and below; 64203A-9. All serials. Use of control board in slots 8
6624A. Serials 2740A01291 and below. precision resistors.
8673C-17A. Serials 2747A00474 to 2747A00503. or 9 of 6412A cardcage may cause failure of
Power hybrid U338 and U339 design change to
Modification for improved reliability of the + 5V powerup P.V.
prevent oscillation.
6623A-07. Serials 2751A00631 to 2751A00665. PC supply.
8673C-18. Serial prefixes 2747A and below. Preferred HP 64215A 6809 EMULATOR SUBSYSTEM
board track may short transformer.
replacement for the A3A5 DAC assembly. 64215A-3. All serials. Use of control board in slots 8
6624A-05. Serials 2750A01621 to 2804A01773. PC
8673C-19. Serial prefixes 2708A through 2822A. Im- or 9 of 6412A cardcage may cause failure of
board track may short transformer.
proved reliability of the 20-30 MHz phase detector. powerup P.V.
HP 14700A AND 14701A Transmission 64216A-2. All serials. Use of control board in slots 8
Boards 8673D-6A. Serial prefixes 2634A to 2704A. Preferred
or 9 of 64120A cardcage may cause failure of
replacement for A2A10 and A2A11 assemblies.
6942A-16/6943A-7. Serials 2740A01055 and below, powerup P.V.
8673D-16A. All serials. Preferred replacement for
and serials 2749A00370 and below. Modification to
precision resistors.
prevent self-test errors. HP 64941A FLOPPY DISC SYSTEM
8673D-18. Serials 2747A00593 to 2747A00673. Mod-
ification for improved reliability of the + 5V supply. 64941A-28. All serials. Replacement instructions and
HP 6954A MULTIPROGRAMMER 8673D-19. Serial prefixes 2747A and below. Preferred exchange part numbers.
6954A-02. All serials. Programatically changing video replacement for the A3A5 DAC assembly. 64941A-3A. Serial prefix 2560A and above. Half-
refresh rate when using 50 Hz power to improve 8673D-20. Serial prefixes 2708A through 2822A. Im- height replacement instructions.
performance of the HP 37531A Video Monitor. proved reliability of the 20-30 MHz phase detector. 64941A-4. Serial prefix 2450A and below. Floppy disc
drive replacement option.
8559A-31. Serial prefix 2819A and below. Sweep 8673E-08A. All serials. Preferred replacement for pre- CONTROLLER CARD
generator board with improved +10 volt reference cision resistors.
69709A-2. Serials 2812A00720 and below. Modification
power supply. 8673E-09. Serials 2747A00360 to 2747A00392. Mod-
ification for improved reliability of the+5V supply. to prevent unexpected crowbar trip.
8673E-10. Serial prefixes 2747A and below. Preferred
HP 8614A/8616A SIGNAL GENERATOR replacement for the A3A5 DAC assembly. HP 69730A RELAY OUTPUT CARD
8614A-2018616A-18. All serials. CR701 detector re- 8673E-11. Serial prefixes 2708A through 2821A. Im- 69730A-01. All serials. Modificationto HP-85A service
placement kit. proved reliability of the 20-30 MHz phase detector. program.

dice Note Order Form
e For European customers (ONLY) Name
0 Hewlett-Packard Firm
Nederland BV Address
Central Mailing Dept.
P.O.Box 529 City
1180 AM Amstelveen
The Netherlands State Zip

0 6621A-06,6622A-04, 0 86738-17 0 51089A-06
6623A-06,6624A-04 0 8673C-06A 0 54111D-07
0 6623A-07 0 8673C-15A 0 6412OA-01
0 6624A-05 0 8673C-17 0 6412OA-02
0 6942A-1616943A-07 0 8673C-18 0 64203A-09

0 6954A-02 0 8673C-19 0 64215A-03
0 8559A-31 0 8673D-06A 0 64216A-02
0 8614A-2018616A-18 0 8673D-16A 0 64941A-029
0 8642AlB-08 0 8673D-18 0 64941A-03A
0 8662A-16 0 8673D-19
0 64931A-04
0 8663A-10 0 8673D-20 0 69709A-02
, 0 8671B-03A 0 8673E-08A 0 6973OA-01
622A-01, 0 86719-04 0 8673E-09
624A-01 0 86718-05 0 8673E-10
622A-02, 0 8672A-20A 0 8673E-11

0 8672A-21

0 8672A-22
0 86739-06A
0 8770A-16

0 8904A-02
0 8904A-03
622A-03, 0 86738-14A 11729C-03
624A-03 0 86739-15 0 11848A-01
0 86738-16 0 35660A-01-S

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