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Instruction Manual
Model 415

Keithley Instruments, Inc.
Instrument Division
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
We warrant each of our products to be free
from defects in material and workmanship. Our
obligation under this warranty is to repair or
replace any instrument or part thereof (except
tubes and batteries) which, within a year after
shipment, proves defective upon examination.

To exercise this warranty, contact your Keithley
field engineering representative. You will be
given assistance and shipping instructions.

Keithley Instruments and its internat.ional dis-
tributors maintain complete repair facilities.

To insure prompt repair or recalibration service,
please contact your Keithley field representative
before returning the instrument.

Estimates for repairs, normal recalibrations, and
calibrations traceable to the National Bureau of
Standards are available upon request.




Zero Drift
Grid Current
Rise Time
Current Suppress~ion
Zero Check
Tube Complement
Accessories Supplied
Accessories Available

Operating Controls
Inout and Outpyt Connections
PrelimJ.nary Set Up
Makinp Measurements
Speed o.f Response


Circuit Block Diagram
Speed of Response
Detailed Circuj.t Description

Trouble Shooting Procedure
Voltare Resistance Diagram
Circuit Schematic
Replaceable Parts List

ICE= mm, nio. cLEvEm, OHIO

The Model h15 Micro-microammeter incorporates advanced
high-speed circuitry developed by Keithley Instruments for rocket
and satellite experimentation -- where measurements of Lyman-
Alpha night slow, cosmic radiation, and upper air density re-
quire fast response,
The I~15 also provides zero suppression up to 100 full scales,
permitting full scale display of one per rant variatiors of a
signal, or suppression of a steady background signal.
Excelling other Keithley LOO Series Micro-microammeters in
speed of response, the Model hl5 is ideal for current measure-
ments in ion chambers, ionization pages, and photo-multipliers.

Other applications include uses with flame and Beta-ray
ionization detectors and in gas ChromatoKranhy, mass spectrometry.

Speed of respp? se of less than 600 milliseconds to 90% of
final value at lo- ampere is possible where external circui~t
capacity is less than 50 picofarads (uuf). Critical damping of
the circuit, with any input capacity, is maintained on all ranges
through one infrequent adjustment. There is no possibili.ty of
oscillation or poor transient response on any ranpe.
Accuracy is 22% of full scale o 10m3 througQ210 -8 ampere
ranses; -+3$ of full scale on 3 x 10 -9 throuph 10 ampere
Other features i lude capability of detecting current of
approximately 1 x 10 -YE ampere; zero stability of better than
2% per day and a one volt output at one milliampere; a 1%
mirror scale pane:1 meter.

415 I -1

RANGES: lo-=, 3 x 10-12, lo-, 3 x lo-=, etc. to 10e3 ampere
full scale.
ACCURACY: Z 2% of full scale 10e3 ttiu lOWE ampere ranges;+ 3% of
full scale 3 x 10-9 thru lo-l2 ampere ranges.
Z!SO DRIFT: After 30-minute warmup, less than 2% of full scale per
2L hours on all ranges.

GRID CT:r'WNT: Less than 5 x 10-lL ampere.

~!ITPIIT: One volt for ful! scalp 3~i. up to 5 ma. Noise less than
20 m'llivolts.

RISE TIME: Typical value &ven in seconds to 90% of final value.
Range Gin-50 uuf Cin=150 uuf Cin=1500 uuf
amps f.s. seconds seconds seconds

10-12 .600 .800 2.5
3 x 10-12 .200 .300 1.0
10-11 ,060 .080 .250
3&o-ll .020 ,030 .lOO
.006 ,010 .030
3 x 10-10 ,002 .003 .OlO
10-9 .OOl .OOl .003
3 x 10'9 .OOl .OOl .OOl
and above
CURRENTSUPPRFSSION: Up to 100 full scales; maximum buckout 10-5
ampere. One setting of bucking current serves
five adjacent ranges within above limits. FINE
adjustment allows precise control up to 100 times

ZERO CHECK: Allows zeroing without disturbing the circuit.

TUBE COMPLEMENT: 2-5886, 2-6CB6, l-6Ch6, l-12BLA; 2-12AX7, l-OG3.

POAER: loo-130 v, 60 cps, 50 watts; 50 cps and 230 v units on
special order.
ACCESSORIESSUPPLIED1 Mating connectors for input, output; six
foot power cord.

ACCESSORIESAVAILABLE: Mating 6032 End Frames, mounting hardware,
rubber feet. Model L102 Input Assembly,
2-5886 electrometer tubes in a plug-in
can (replacement spare).

CABINET: 19" x 59 high x 10" deep. Net wei&ht 21 lbs.

415 II - 1

The controls are discussed in order from left to right on the
front panel.

(1) ZERO CHECK: Depressins this control effectively re-
moves all current from the amplifier input and allows
the meter to be set to zero with the ZERO ADJUST con-
trol. After the button is depressed it may be locked
in position by turning the button one quarter turn as
indicated by the panel marking.

(2) AMPERESFULL SCALE: The full scale meter sensitivity
is selected by this control. The use of zero suppres-
sion does not change the sensitivity.

(a) MULTIPLIER and AMPEHES: The combination of these
two dials set the amount of zero suppression. On
the OFF position of the AMPERESdial, the suppres-
sion circuit is disconnected.
(b) FINE8 The FINE control extrapolates between posi-
tions of the MULTIPLIER switch. For example when
the MULTIPLIER control is on aero, the FINE con-
trol has a ranpe of 0 to 1. If the control is on
1, the range of the FINE control is from 1 to 2 and
so forth.

(Ii) METER: The METER switch allows the choice of plus or
minus current polarity; using the meter for indica-
tion; or switching it off. In the METEROFF position,
the switch still permits choice of plus or minus cur-
rent polarity.

(5) ON: This switch turns on power. The instrument is
ready to operate in about 60 seconds.

(6) ZERO ADJlJSTz This control is used with the ZERO CHECK
button depressed to adjust the micro-microammeter zero.

(1) Input Connections: The input connections and the
current generator being measured must be carefully
shielded since power line frequencies are well within
the pass band of the amplifier on most ranges. Also,
unless the electrostatic shielding is thorough, any
alteration in electrostatic field in the neighborhood
will cause marked output disturbances. The insulation

415 III - 1
used in brinping the signal into the amplifier must
be either polyethylene, polystryene, teflan or similar
hish resistance, low-loss material. Any Coaxial cables
used must be of the low-noise type. This type of cable
employs a graphite coating between the dielectric and
the surrounding shield braid. Satisfactory types are
made by Amphenol, Microdot and Simplex. The use of
low-noise cable is mandatory due to the wide frequen-
cy response of the instrument. The Model hl5 is,
therefore, markedly more sensitive to external dis-
turbances than other Keithley Electrometers. Any
chance in the capacitance of the measuring circuit
to ground will, cause extraneous disturbances. It is,
therefore, recommended that the measuring set-up be
made as rigid as possible and any connecting cables
be tied down to prevent their movement. If continuous
vibration is present, itmay appear on the output as
a sinusoidal sJFna1 and some precautions may be nec-
essary to isolate the instrument and connectinS cable
from this vibration.

(2) Output Connections: The output of the instrument is
one volt for full scale meter deflection. up to 5 ma.
may be drawn from the output. The output is intended
primarily for driving oscilloscopes and pen recorders.
It may be divided down to drive 10 and 50 millivolt
recorders by placing: a suitable network across the
output. In general it will not satisfactorily drive
1 ma. Ester-line-Angus and Texas Instruments recorders
directly since the output voltage is too low for full
scale deflection or for providing the proper coil

(1) Connect current source to input terminals per directions
in paragraph Bl above.
(2) Depress and lock ZERO CHECK button.
(3) Set CURRENTSUPPRESScontrols as follows:

(a) MULTIPLIER: Set to zero.
I"{ $W'BES: Set to OFF.
Turn to most counter-clockwise position.
(Z, METEA: Turn to +position.

(b) Turn on power. After about 30 seconds meter should
indicate on scale.
(5) Set meter to zero with ZERO ADJUST.

III - 2

(1) Current Measurements 'Without Zero Suppression? With
the current source attached and the AMPEREScontrol
on OFF, turn the AMPERESFULL SCALr; switch to the
most insensitive range and open the ZERO CHECK switch.
Increase the instrument sensitivity until the largest
possible reading is obtained before full scale is ex-
ceeded, The reading is now %he actual current beinF
generated by the attached device,

(2) Current Measurements With Zero Suppression: Proceed
as in paragraph (1) above. Then set the CURRENTSUP-
PRESS MULTIPLIER and AMPERESdials to correspond as
closely as their restilutlon permits to the current
reading obtained in para,sraph (1). This operation
should cause the meter needle to approach zero. Now
use the FINE control as necessary to set the meter ex-
actly to zero. Then move AMPERESFULL SCALE switch to
the next more sensitive range and ad,just the FINE con-
trol as necessary. The input current is still the same.
Yowever , variations in current are beinp presented on
a scale three times as sensitive as before. Tf it is
desired to expand the scale further, the next more
sensitive range may be used. This nrocess may be re-
peated until one ner cent of the orifrinal scale is
presented as full scale. The sero suppression cir-
cuit is limited to this amount of suppression.


The specifications detail the possible speed of response with
various input capacities. It is evident from the data that
the less the input capacity, the better the speed of response.
Therefore, the Model hl5 should be located as closely as pos-
sible to the current source. The amount of capacity does not
affect the dampins. Under all conditions, tho response will
be aprroximately critically damped.

III - 3


O 0
Eln A Eo
0 v

+R- - +

FIG. 1

(1) The Electrometer: In block A Figure 1 is a high rain amp-
lifier with electrometer tube input. It can be assumed
with a high degree of accuracy that current neither enters
or leaves its input terminals, The amplifier is so arranged
that the output is the negative of the input. Therefore,
sjnce a feedback connection exisj.ts between e, and the innut,
any positive voltaae appearing at the i~nout of A, ~1~11 cause
a nepatjve voltage applied through R and B. Tf, for the
moment, we omit the box labeled B from the discussion, the
voltage e, will increase until it equals iR, the drop across
the resistor. This is necessary since this feedback connec-
tion results in a circuit designed to keep the input drop to
a minimum, Therefore, a8 a first approximation,

i = e,/R (1)
and a properly calibrated meter at the amplifier output will
read current directly.
(2) Current Suppression: In Figure 1, when an input current is
flowing, the output voltage is iR from (1). The output assumes
this voltage in order to balance out the input current so that
the input terminal remains at ground. Either the output must
supply this voltage, in which case the meter indicates a read-
ing; or a voltage may be inserted in series with the feedback

415 IV - 1
resistor opposite in polarity and equal to the dron across
the fppdback resistor, R. In Fipure 1, B represents this
buckout voltape. If B is now adinsted to precisely t'-ie
vol:awe across R, the meter will return to zero, since no
vc!tape need be applied to keep the input at vound even
thouph a cur-ent !~s flowine. This is the method used Sn
the Vodel Lls for zero suppression. B.v havinp B variable
from zero to 100 volts, up to 100 times zero sunnresslon
may be achieved if one full scale corresponds to a one
volt dron across the feedback resistor, R.

-I- I,
Cl- I 5"
"I -

FIG. 2


In Fivure 2, the circuit of Fimre 1 is redrawn to show the capaci-
ties associated with the circuit. Cl is the input capacity and C2
3~s the capacltv across the feedback resistor, The buck-out supply,
has been omitted since it j~s bv-passed for ac. The response of this
circui~t to a current step is civen by

e"=2," [`- & (gk +c$] (21

where the time constant T is

T .R+yk + c2)

IV - 2 ,413 -'
It can be seen that the input capacity, Cl, is decreased in
proportion to the loop Fain, but that the effect of capacity
across the high megohm resistor represented by C:, is not
affected. In the Model 1115, the loop Pain of the amplifier
js approximatply 5000, so that the time constant of the
input capacitance is not too critical, exce@ at very low
currents. The time constant RlC2 nj.th a 10 ohm resistor,
which is used on the most sensitive range, can amount to
10 seconds. Therefore, the effect of RlC2 must be eliminated
if any sneed of resnonse is to be obtained.

0 0 , 0
0 0
Cl -

- z

FIGa 3

To accomplish this, refer to Fiwre 3. Rl and C have
been added to the feedback loop. If RlC3 now eq a als RC2,
we have a Vead" network cancelline a "lag" network and
effectively equation (3) becomes:

where both capacities are deRenerated.by loop sain. With
this arrangement the circuit is critically damped. The
addition of more capacity to the input will aIfect the
time constant as shown in (Ir). However, since basically
the circuit is a one lag or single time constant feedback
system, critical damping will not be affected by addit-ion
of capacity at the input. Moreover, the adjustment is

415 IV - 3
quite stable and is made at the factory. Slight misadjustment
will not be serious and will not lead to oscillation.


Refer to DR 13102D at rear of manual.

(1) Micro-microamneter: The micro-microammeter is contained
in the Model h102 input tube assembly, PC-lo, and the
associated windings of TRl. V-l and V2 ara electrometer
tubes. V2 is a dummy tube which serves to cancel out
changes in plate and filament voltages which otherwise
would appear in the output. These tubes operate effec-
tj,vely as a long-tail pair due to feedback from the common
cathode junction of V3 and V& to the commonly connected
screen electrodes of Vland V2. V3 and VL function as the
second amplifier stage and Vk is connected as a cathode
follower output stage. Feedback around the micro-microam-
meter is accomplished via the AMPERESFULL SC4LE switch,
SWl, selecting the various feedback resistors. One resist-
or is used per range and the feedback voltage is 1 volt on
all ranges.
(2) Micro-microammeter Power Supply: The power supply for the
instrument consists of a Sola reeulatine transformer and
simple condenser-rectifier systems for obtafning the vol-
tapes for the various potentials used in the micro-microam-

(3) Zero Suppression Circuit: Zero suppression is obtained bv
placing a dc voltage in series with the range resistor.
In this way, the dc supply "bucks out" the input current
flowinp in the range resistor as explained in detail in
paracraph A above.
The CURRENTSUPPRESSsupply voltage is obtained from the
power supply contained within the dotted lines labeled
"PC 30" which corresponds to the printed circuit of the
same designation in the instrument. The power supply fur-
nishes extremely stable voltages, employing a 2-stage dc
error-signal amplifier. Also, its input voltage and the
filament voltages of the dc amplifier tubes are further
regulated bv the Sola regulating transformer. A detailed
description of the oneration of the regulator is contained
in Daragraph h below.

If the suppression circuit is to be used on several ranges,
the suppression voltage must increase in the same ratio as
ranse resistor, so that the same bucking current will be
The MULTIPLIER switch, SW-S, contains resistors Rhlg to
Rh27. These resistors form a precision divider across the
power supply. The arrangement is such that this switch
selects the suppression voltage in ten volt steps from
0 to 100 volts. The full range of the FINE control cor-
responds to a change of ten volts. The METEX switch, SW3,
changes polarity of the suppression voltage so that it is

IV - &
always in opposition to the input current polarity
cated on the panel meter.

Resistors F&28 to R/432 divide the selected volt;#i,r~ lri the
ratio3 1, 3.3, 10, 33, and 100 for application I:$,)the range

,Yne AMPERESswitch, SW-~, applies the divided voltages in
sequence to five resistors at a time dependinfr on the sup-
pression range desire As an example, suppose it is de-
sired to supnress lo- 9 ampere. The MULTIPLIE;R switch, SW-S,
would be szt at "9" and the FINE control set fully clock-
wise so thsT, 100 volts would be applied to F&28 to Rh72.
AMPEP.ES s~w;tch, SW-6, wruld be set On thB mbst clockwise
position (I;? the schematic). Thus poi.nt K would be at
1% volt;, point L at 33.3 volts, M at 10 volts, N at 3.3
volts dnd 0 at 1 volt.
Now on the AMPERESFULL SCALE snitsh, SW-l, when the 10m5
ampere range is used, the range resistor Rll$lOOk is
returned to point 0, and point 0 is at. one volt plus with
respect to the T outp t. Thus The suppression circuit
supplies 1 volt = lo- 3 ampere, and the micro-microammeter
reads zero. If the next range is selected, Rllh, a 333k
res stor is u ed and returned to point N. Similarly, the
lo- h , 3 x lo- 9 and 10-T ranges are supplied with progress-
ively increasing voltages, so that effectively low5 ampere
is suppressed on each of these ranges. Therefore, any of
these ranges may be used with the same suppression settin&!.
With each change in suppression settine, the same sequence
i; set up for each current selected so that up to 100 times
buc'x-out is available for an,y sel.ected ranee. When usine
the zero sappprsssion system, ranges rn which the current
:!dicat:on wouid amount to leas than ol~le volt full sca!~e
are not connected into the suppression syslem, but the shunt
resistors are returned directly to the output cal:hode.
R.ance resistors on which more than 100 times full scale
buck-out would be necessary are operated at 100 volts.
This assures an off-scale reading, so that the user will
be aware when he is asking for more buck-out than is pos-
sible with the system.
Current Suppression Power-Supply: This power supply is a
doubly-regulated, isolated source of 200 volts dc. This
potential is divided down to provide buck-out as described
in paragraph 3 above. The regulator consists of V-6, V-7,
V8 and V9. The input to the regulator is supplied from
T2 and rectifier-filter combination RF105 and Cl106. T2
is supplied from a winding on Tl, a Sola regulating trans-
former. This transformer also regulates the filaments of
~6, V7 and V8 providing further stability. V6 is the series
mss tube. Its output is compared against V9, the voltage
reference tube, by V8 the comparator tube. The signal is
further amplified by V7 and applied to the grid of ~6 to
control the output. This circuit supplies an exceedingly
stable and transient-free voltaRe for the zero suppression

IV - 5

No periodic maintenance is necessary. Detailed trouble shooting
instructions are given below. Calibration of the instrument, both
in regard to dc accuracy and transient response, requires special
equipment. The equipment will be described and the techniques given
below. It is not advisable to alter any of the calibration adjust-
ments unless it is in accord with the procedure as given below.


(1) D.C.: The initial calibration is performed on the 1 mil-
liampere range with the CURRENTSUPPRESSoff. R120, the
lk Calibrate Potentiometer, is set at precisely full scale
with a" accurate source of 1 milliampere. Now, if all the
other resistors on AMP&ES FULL SCALE switch SW-l are cor-
rect in value, the instrument will be within the rated
accuracy. It is necessary, however, to occasionally check
the high megohm resistors (109 ohms and above) for accuracy.
It is expected that the instrument will be within rated
accuracy for two to three years from the time it leaves the
factory. At the end of this time it will be likely that
some of the higher value high-megohm resistors will have
drifted out of tolerance and should be replaced.

In order to check these resistors, it is necessary to either
check the value of these resistors in a bridge capable of
better than 1% accuracy with resistances as high as 1012 ohms,
or to be able to generate currents of this accuracy. If it
is desired to generate currents of this accuracy, resistors
in series with a" accurate voltage source will have to have
better than 1% known accuracy. Therefore, a" accurate megohm
bridge is necessary in either case. In check-out at the
factory, the resistors are bridged, and the completed instru-
ment is further checked with an accurate current source. In
the field, unless a" accurate megohm bridge such as the
Keithley Model 515 Megohm Bridge is available, the instrument
should be returned to the factory for calibration; or the
high-megohm resistors may be replaced at periodic intervals
with a certified set from Keithley Instruments to assure
absolute calibration accuracy.

(2) Transient Response Measurement: The rise time of the
instrument is specified in response to a current step func-
tion. It must be emphasized at the outset that it is ex-
tremely difficult to generate such a
ordinary methods in the region of 10 -yyl];m"lp",m;;g*
A voltage supply, a high megohm resistor, and a switch are
useless due to the inherent self-capacity of even the best
resistor. More satisfactory methods are light modulation
of a vacuum photo-tube output or generation of a current
step by application of a ramp function to a capacitor.

415 V-l


The second method is illustrated in Figure h. A triangular
wave generated bs a Hewlett-Packard Model 202A Function Gen-
erator is fed through an attenuator into a 5 mmf polystyrene
capacitor, The output is a current square wave whose ampli-
tude is equal to

i = aC (1)
where i is the current amplitude, a is the slope of one seg-
ment of the triangular wave in volts per second, and C in
farads is the capacitor Coupling the signal into the bl5.
Under these ciroumstandes, the current signal will be very
nearly a perfect current step and an oscilloscope at the
output will record the true transient response. If the
signal displays sag or over-shoot, it is adjusted by means
of Rh12 for the best square wave without overshoot.

(3) Calibration of Buck-Out Supply: F MULTIPLIER switch, SW5,
to 9, AMPERE'Sswitch, SW to 10' , and FINE control fully
clockwise. Now with 10' !3 ampere exactly flow nF into the
input terminal, set the instrument on the 10' 3 ampere range.
Then adjust. Rlllh so that the panel meter reads as close to
zero as possible. Since the absolute precision of the buck-
out is not high, an approximate setting will suffice.

(1) General Procedure: If instrument will not balance with ZERO
CHECK suppressed, determine if the trouble is in the CURRENT
suppress supply or the micro-microammeter by turning the
AMPERESswitch, SW6, to OFF. If the zero can now be set by
depressing the ZERO CHECKbutton, and if the instrument
measures current on various ranpes correctly, the fault is

Ian the buck-out supply. Otherwise it is in the micro-

(2) Next, check to be sure that the supply voltaRes as indicated
on the schematic are correct. The plus and minus poten-
tials used in the micro-microammeter are all approximately
130 volts. The ao ripple should be less than 1 volt RMS
on all supplies, If a defect is noted here, it is caused
either bv a defective rectifier or capacitor, or possibly
by a defective ,resistor in the filter circuits. It is
possible, Ian some cases, that an excessive load is beinp
placed on the supply due to a micro-microammeter compon-
ent failure. Removal of the output tube will remove most
of the load. If the voltage then returns to normal, the
defect is probably in the micro-microammeter.

(3) Each section will now be considered separately.

(a) Instrument will not balance with ZERO CHECK depressed:
In a dc amplifier, any defect occurrine between the
input and output terminals usually will lead to an
inability to balance the amplifier. In trouble-
shootins, the usual impulse is to replace tubes first
and ask ouestions later. It is advisable in this case
to avoid this procedure unless it is shown that the
tubes are actually defective, since the stability of
the unit revolves mainly around the input tubes. If
these tubes are three years old, but functioninw pron-
erly, they most likely will be far superior in stabilitv
to any new tubes. Furthermore, electrometer tubes are
seldom the cause of the difficulty, Therefore, follow
the procedure outlined below.

Directly short the input terminal to ground. This re-
moves the feedback. When this is done the effective
forward loop gain rises and it becomes difficult to
hold some of the operating potentials of the later
stages at their proper value. Thins, however, is a
normal effect and it is only necessary that it be
possible 'to swing the electrode potential through the
correct operating voltage by manipulatinp( the ZERO
control to show that the point in question is at
corrnct potential,
With the innut shorted measure the potential at pin 1
of V3 and turn the LYRO control through its range.
The potential should swi~ng through 10 volts near the
middle of the ZERO control ranwe. If it does not,
check pin 3 on the input tube assemb1.y connector.
The voltape should be about 3.@ volts. If it is
130 volts, V-l has an open filament and should be
If the filament voltage is correct, check to see if
the screen voltage is correct. If it is not approximately
correct, the defect may be either in the following
stage, since the screens are connected to the

415 V-3
cathodes of V3 and Vh, or it may be in Vl or V2. If the
screen voltape is markedly different from 8 volts, check
pin 7 of the input tube assembly connector. Again, if
130 volts is measured instead of 3.8 volts, the filament
of V2 is one*. If the filament checks correctly, mea-
sure the voltare on pin 1 of VL while rotati.np the ZhRO
control. If this plate voltape is off and cannot be
broueht to 10 volts, as well as the plate of Vl, the
fault probably is in the second stage. Check at this
point , if changing V3 and Vh will bring the instrument
back into operation. With the input shorted to ground
and instrument operating, the output will be unstable
but should be able to swing rapidly throurth Zero.

If this does not solve the trouble, change the electo-
meter tubes Vl and V2. If this is not the cause of the
defect, check the values of the various circuit compo-
nents associated with the two stages.

If on the other hand, the correct voltages are found
on pins 1 of V3 and Vb, check the voltafe on pin five
of Vl. It should swing throuph plus 50 volts on manipu-
lation of the ZERO control. If it does not, V3 or Vk
is defective or a component associated with that stage
is defective. Finally, if the correct voltage is ob-
tained on the plate of Vh, check to see that pin 3 of
V5 will swins through about minus &volts.

If it does not either R136, R137 or Cl22 is defective.
If it does have the correct value, V5 is defective or
Rl38 is defective.

Now, when the short at the input is removed the instru-
ment should function properly.

b) Trouble Shooting the Power Supply: The most likely
malfunction in the power supply is a tube failure, and
it is recommended that tube replacement be tried first.
If this doss not eliminate the trouble, check to see
that between R+ floating and pin 9 of v-6 there is ap-
proximately 300 volts. If not, remove V6 and check
the potential again. If it is now normal, the trouble
is on the cathode side of the tube. If the potential
is still low, check the output of the transformer, the
rectifiers RFlOh,to 106, CL06 and Rh06.

If it is determined that the trouble is on the cathode
side of ~6, check CL11 and ChO8. If these procedures
do not solve the difficulty it will be necessary to
check the resistors tifi to Rh27 for correct value and
to check the value of the other power supply components.

v - I! Ja
---~__-- ----.-. ._I--
Designation --- - Part No.

C-102 Capacitor, 500 V. -+5% Tolerance 2.2 mmf. C56-2.2
c-1.03 Capacitor, 500 V.i5% Tolerance 6.@ mmf. ~56-6.8
c-loll Caycitnr, 200 V.+ 5%Tolerance 22. mmf. C55-22
c-105 Capaci~tcr, '200 V.?5% Tolerance 68. mmf. G&68
C-106 Capacitor, 200 V.2 5% Tolerance 270. mmf. w-220
c-107 Canacjtor, 200 V.-t 5% Tolerance 6800. mmf. CS5-680
C-108 Canacitor, Same as C-103

c-109 Canacitor, Same as C-102
c-l.10 Capacitor, Same as C-1Ol.~

c-111 Caoacitnr, Same as C-105
c-117 Capacitor, Same as c-105

c-113 Canacjtor, Same as C-106

C-114 Canacitor, Same as C-107

C-115 Canncitor, 200 V. t5% Tolerance 2200. mmf. C55-2200
C-116 Capacitor, 200 V.z 5% Tolerance 6800. mmf. CS5-6800
c-117 Capacitor, Same as C-116

c-11 8 Capacitor, Same as C-116
c-119 Capacitor, 200 V. .1 mfd. Clb.1
c-120 Capacitor, 600 V. 20% Tolerance .OOl mfd c22-.OOl

c-121 Capacitor, 600 V. 20% Tolerance 150. mmf. ~22-150
c-122 Capacitor, Same as C-121

c-123 Capacitor, 12 V. 1000. mfd. Cll-1000
c-12ll Capacitor, Same as c-123
c-l.25 Capacitor, 600 V. 20% Tolerance 100 mmf c22-100

Designation Description Part No.

c-Ilo1 Capacitor, Electrolytic LO x 250 V. C27-LO
C-LO2 Capacitor, Electrolytic 150 x 150 V. cs-150
c-1103 Capacitor, Same as C-LO1

c-m Capaci~tor, Same as C-k02

C-LO5 Capacitor, Same as C-h01

c-l106 Capaci~tor, Electrolytic IlO x h50 V. C33-bO/hO/20

C-k07 Capacitor, Same as C-h02

C-IL08 Capacitor, Same as C-LO6 ONE
C-LO9 Supplied with T-l, 1.0 mfd.

C-h10 Capacitor, Ceramic Disc. .02 x 600 V. c22-.02
C-L11 Capacjtor, Electrolytic 20 x &50 v. C33-bO/hO/20

FIJ-1 Fuse, 1.5 amp. SM-BIO nJ-16
M-l Meter ME-23

R-101 Resistor, HiMeg Spiral 2%, 1012 R20A-1012
R-102 Resistor, HiMeg Spiral 2%, 3.33 x lOI R20A-3.33~10~1
R-103 Resistor, HiMeg Spiral 2%, 1011 R20.4-lOI

FL-1OL Resistor, HiMeg Sprial 2%, 3.33 x 1010 R20"-3.33~101~

R-105 Resister, HiMeg Spiial 28, lOlo R20A-lOlo
R-106 Resistor, HiMeg Spiral 29, 3.33 x lo9 R20A-3.33~10~
R-107 Resistor, HiMe@ Spiral 26, lo9 R20A-109
R-108 Resistor, HiMeg Spiral 2%, 3.33 x lO* R20A-3.33~10'
R-109 Resistor, Deposited Carbon 18, 2 watt, 100 M RlL-100M

R-110 Resistor, Deposited Carbon ,I%, 1 w&t, 33.3 M R13-33.3M
R-111 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 1 watt, 10 M R13-1014

R-112 Resistor, Deposited Carbon I%, g watt, 3.33 M R12-3.33M

Designation Description Part No.

R-113 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 3 watt 1 M R12-1M
R-lll4 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, .$ watt 333 K R12-333K
R-115 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 3 watt 100 K R12-100K
R-116 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 4 watt 33.3 K R12-33.3K
R-117 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, a watt 10 K R12-10K
R-118 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 5 'watt 3.33 K Rl2-3.33K

R-119 Resistor, Deposited Carbon I%, $ watt 1 K R12-1K
R-120 Potentiometer, Carbon - Linear Taper 1 K RP3-1K
R-121 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 3 watt 3.9 K R12-3.9K
R-122 Resistor, Composition lo%, + watt 22 Y RI.-22X$

R-123 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 1 watt 10 M R13-10M

R-12L Resistor, Deposited Carbon Same as R-123

R-125 Potentiometer, 200 ohm RP23-200

R-126 Resi~stor, Wire Wound l%, 25 watt 250 ohm RlR-h-250

R-127 Resistor, Wire Wound 18, 25 watt 150 ohm R18-6-150

R-128 Resistor, Wire Wound 3%, 7 watt 12.5 K R7-12.'K

R-3,29 Resistor, Wire Wound Same as R-128

R-130 Resistor, Deposited Carbon Same as R-119

R-131 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 3 watt 50 K R12-SOK

R-132 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 3 watt h.7 K R12-L.7K

R-133 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, + watt 22 K Rl%-22X

R-13b Resistor, &posited Carbon l%, 3 watt 35 K R12-35K

R-135 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, $ watt 56 K R12-L;6K

R-136 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 4 watt 5 M R12-5M

R-137 Resistor, Deposited Carbon l%, 1 watt 8 M R13-8M

R-138 Resistor, Wire Wound Same as R-128

Ci rcu i~t
Desienatjon Description Part No.

R-1!01. Resistor, Comnosition a watt, 10% 100 ohm RI-l.00
R-II03 Resistor, Composition *watt, 10% I~70 R&L70
R-1103 Resj.stor, Same as R-LO1

R-h& ResIstor, Same as R-h02

R-1~105 Resistor, Same as R-LO1

U~dOh Resistor, Same as R-LO1

R-LO7 Resi.stor, Composition + watt, 10% 2.2 M Rl-2.2M

R-LO8 Resistor, Composition 2 watt, 10% 27 K R3-27K

R-Log Resistor, Deposited Carbon $ watt, 1% 2 M R12-2M

R-410 Resistor, Same as R-LO9

R-k11 Pesjstor, Deposited Carbon 3 watt, 1% 1.5 M RllF!-1.5M

R4 17 Reaistv, Composition & watt, 10% 216 Rl-2M

R4113 Potentiometer, Carbon - Linear Taper 500 K RP2-l-500K

R4hJl Potentiometer, Carbon - Linear Taper 500 K ohm RP7-3-SOOK

R-111s Resistor, Cnmnnslt?on h wat.t, 10% 3.3 M RI,-3.3M

Q-Ill6 Resistor, Same as R-1102

R-1117 Resistor, Same as R-117

R-L18 Resistor, Same as R-119

H-1119 Resistor, Same as R-119

K-ll20 Resistor, Same as R-119

R-1121 Resistor, Same as R-119

R-L22 Resistor, Same as R-119

R-L23 Resistor, Same as R-119

F47II Resistor, Same as R-11~9

R-1125 Resistor, Same as R-119

R-1126 Resistor, Same as R-119
Designation Description Part No.

R-427 Helipot, Type A 5% Tolerance, .5$ Linearity Rp4-l.K

R-428 Resistor, Deposited Carbon $ watt, 1% 66.7 K Rx?-66.7K
R-429 Resistor, Deposited Carbon $ watt, 1% 23.3 K ~12-23.3
R-430 Resistor, Deposited Carbon & watt, 1% 6.67 K Rl2-6.&K

R-431 Resistor, Deposited Carbon =&watt, l$ 2.33 K RL?-2.33K

R-432 Resistor, Same as R-lip

R-434 Red&or, Composition $-watt, 10% 47ohm Rl-47

R-435 Resistor, Sam? as R-117

RF-101 Rectifier, Selenium, 65 ma/130 V RF-18

RF-M2 Rectifier, Some as RF-101

RF-103 Rectifier, Same as RF-101

w-104 Rectifier, Same as RF-101

RF-105 Rectifier, Same as RF-101

~~-106 Rectifier, Same a6 RF-101

T-l Transformer, Sola - 71354 TR-17

T-2 Transformer, 'l?zrimary - l.l7 VAC!/60 cycle

SR-7 Rectifier, Selenium Diode 65 ma/240 V RF-21
SF& Rectifeir, Same as SR-7

SW-1 Range Switch SW-72

SW-2 Zero Check 1414aN
SW-3 Meter Switch SW-is
SW-4A On - Off SW-14
Combined DPLY!
SW-4B Meter Shorting

Designation Description Part No.
----.-.-...---.---- ----_ -___.l_ ._--. -_,--.----.__----.._-
SW-5 Buckout Multiplier Switch DR 13212-A SW-03
SW-6 Input Shieldinp Switch SW-74A

V-l Tube, Vacuum 5886 Ev 5886-0

v-2 Tube, Vacuum 5886 Ev 5086-0

V-3 Tube, Vacuum 6~~6 6 CB 6
V-b Tube, Same as V-3

v-5 Tube, Vacuum 6CM6 6 CM 6

V-6 Tube, Vacuum 12BLA 12 Bh A

v-7 Tube, Vacuum 1'2 AX7 12 AX 7
V-8 Tube, Same as V-7

V-9 Tube, Gas 003 EV-OG 3