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Deleon's Silent Science
Loveland in perspective

from the chairman's desk

W ITHI A FEW DAYS we will issue our annual report
to stockholders covering operations for fiscal 1964.
It was a good year for the company, with sales rising
Another primary objective in 1965 is to achieve a substan-
tial increase in our over-all volume of business. To do this,
we are going to have to increase the flow of new and im-
8 percent to a level of $124.9 million, and incoming orders proved products from our laboratories, and get these prod-
totaling $130.4 million, also up 8 percent over last year. The ucts into production with greater speed and efficiency than
profit picture improved considerably over 1963, with a net ever before. Moreover, we expect our field sales people to do
after taxes of $9.4 million, an increase of 29 percent. a more effective job of expanding existing markets for our
We were especially gratified at the improvement in our products and tapping new markets, as well.
after-tax profit margin from 6.3 cents per sales dollar in 1963 During this next year we will place increasing emphasis
to 7.5 cents in 1964. This is largely the result of your day-to- on diversification. With the slowup in defense spending and
day efforts to reduce costs and do a more effective, produc- the expectation that the government will continue to curtail
tive job. or modify many of its programs, we are working hard to
As you know, we spend a great deal of time talking about broaden our base and expand our technology into new fields.
profits and their importance to our future growth and prog- We are doing this through our internal research and develop-
ress. Without a satisfactory profit level, of course, we would ment program and, in addition, through acquisitions where
be unable to build the new facilities, buy the tools and equip- we think they will enable us to enter new fields or markets.
ment, and provide the other necessary ingredients for steady, While we are attempting to increase our penetration of
long-term growth. commercial, non-government markets, in no way do we
Profit serves another important purpose in that it is the intend to reduce our efforts to obtain government business.
best single measure of how well a company does in all areas Over the years our company has made an important contribu-
of its operations. It indicates, in a very realistic way, the ef- tion to defense and space programs, and we will continue to
fectiveness and efficiency of our new product programs, our support these programs in every way possible. We also fore-
manufacturing operations, and our marketing effort. In view see an inevitable expansion of government activity in other
of this, you can be especially proud of the improved profit technological areas, and expect to provide a large share of
margin in 1964. the instrumentation for these expanding requirements.
Looking to 1965, we are hopeful of doing an even better We are off to a good start in 1965, with shipments and
job and raising our after- tax margin to at least 8 cents per orders running ahead of last year. I am confident that with
sales dollar. Considering the progress we have made this past your continuing enthusiasm and hard work, this will be one
year, this is certainly a reasonable target. of the best years in the history of our company.

Science of silent sound

Light, simple-to-operate Deleon detectors can be
used to locate parts wear in machinery.

The new division has 30 employees in Palo Alto,
expects over $1 million in sales this year.

I F THE HUMAN EAR-marvelous organ that it is---eould pick up sounds in
the ultrasonic ranges, life would hardly be bearable. Jot only would we be
surrounded by the everyday frenetic noises of city traffic, the neighbor's TV
set next door, the clatter and chatter of children, but we would also be faced with
a vast array of "silent sounds." The private calls of tiny insects, the arcing of high
voltage electricity in power lines, even running a comb through your hair would
have nerve