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Vestel 11AK33 free download

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11 AK-33 Service Manual 1. INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________4 2. SMALL SIGNAL PART WITH TDA8885 _____________________________4 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. Vision IF amplifier _________________________________________________ 4 Video Switches _____________________________________________________ 5 Sound Circuit______________________________________________________ 5 Synchronisation circuit ______________________________________________ 5 Chroma and Luminance processing ___________________________________ 6 Colour Decoder ____________________________________________________ 6 PICTURE IMPROVEMENT FEATURES______________________________ 7 RGB output circuit and black-current stabilisation_______________________ 7 EAST ­ WEST OUTPUT STAGE_____________________________________ 8 3. TUNER _________________________________________________________8 4. VIDEO SWITCH TEA6415C _______________________________________9 5. MULTI STANDARD SOUND PROCESSOR___________________________9 6. SOUND OUTPUT STAGE WITH TDA 7265___________________________9 7. VERTICAL OUTPUT STAGE WITH STV 9379 _______________________10 8. VIDEO OUTPUT AMPLIFIER TDA6108 ____________________________10 9. COMBFILTER TDA 9181_________________________________________10 10. 11. 12. POWER SUPPLY (SMPS) _______________________________________10 POWER FACTOR CORRECTION ________________________________10 MICROCONTROLLER SDA555X ________________________________10 General Features ________________________________________________ 10 External Crystal and Programmable clock speed______________________ 10 Microcontroller Features _________________________________________ 10 Memory _______________________________________________________ 11 Display Features ________________________________________________ 11 ROM Characters ________________________________________________ 11 Acquisition Features _____________________________________________ 11 Ports __________________________________________________________ 11 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 12.6. 12.7. 12.8. 13. 14. 15. 16. SERIAL ACCESS CMOS 8K (1024*8) EEPROM ST24C08 ____________12 CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER TDA1308 ______________12 SAW FILTERS ________________________________________________12 IC DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM____________12 TDA8885: ______________________________________________________ 12 GENERAL DESCRIPTION _____________________________________________12 FEATURES__________________________________________________________12 Pin Description _______________________________________________________13 16.1.1. 16.1.2. 16.1.3. 16.1. 16.2. 16.2.1. 16.2.2. 16.2.3. 16.2.4. UV1315, UV1316 ________________________________________________ 15 General description of UV1315: __________________________________________15 Features of UV1315: ___________________________________________________15 General description of UV1316: __________________________________________15 Features of UV1316: ____

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