File information: | |
File name: | [preview panasonic-tx21ad2f-euro2] |
Size: | 2201 kB |
Extension: | zip |
Mfg: | panasonic |
Model: | panasonic-tx21ad2f-euro2 🔎 |
Original: | panasonic-tx21ad2f-euro2 🔎 |
Descr: | panasonic TV TX-21AD2F |
Group: | Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV |
Uploaded: | 05-04-2020 |
User: | Anonymous |
Multipart: | No multipart |
Information about the files in archive: | ||
Decompress result: | OK | |
Extracted files: | 1 | |
File name Service Manual Colour Television EURO 2 Chassis TX-21AD2F Safety Adjustments Notes Specifications Self Check Service Support Block Diagram(Video) Service Hints Block Diagram(Control) Mechanical View About... Block Diagram(Audio) Parts List Location of Controls Service Information Waveforms PCB view(B) B Schematic GO BACK EXIT PCB view(E) E Schematic PCB view(Y) Y Schematic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|
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