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Now downloading free:apple PowerBook 165 User's Guide

apple PowerBook 165 User's Guide free download

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Descr: apple PowerBooks PB 100 Series PowerBook 165 User's Guide.PDF
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About Your All of the references to the PowerBook 160 in your manuals also apply to the PowerBook 165. In addition, any of the Apple accessories and options for the PowerBook 160 PowerBook 165 that are listed in your books will also work with the PowerBook 165. Please also refer to the Technical Information sheet in the Apple Resource Guide. We hope that you will enjoy working with your new Congratulations! You have purchased the latest in the line of Macintosh PowerBook. Macintosh PowerBooks. The PowerBook 165, with its faster speed of 33 megahertz, is designed to offer greater performance. As you work with your new PowerBook, there are a few things you should know. The documentation that came with your Macintosh contains references to the PowerBook 160, the predecessor to the PowerBook 165. These two computers are identical except for the improvement in processing speed of the PowerBook 165.

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