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Pioneer Pioneer+DC-X77S free download

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Descr: Pioneer Audio DC-X77S Pioneer+DC-X77S.pdf
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/oE. [o'- r,6 1 o o E= t=FT;Tit F. |-T{=T;T-TT : E 8flflfl8fl =Es-@=E- O R D E RN O . ARPl336 S T E R E O O U B L E A S S E T T E A P E D E C KA M P L I F I E R D C T DG-X772 M O D E L D C - X 7 7 2C O M E S I N F I V E V E R S I O N SD I S T I N G U I S H E D S F O L L O W S : A TyPe Powea roquiromont Exoon dostination HB 24OV (swatchable)' AC22OV. United Kingdom HE AC22OV. 4OV (swrrchable)* 2 European ontinent C SD AC11OV, ,22OV,24OV (switchabl) 12O-127V G e n e r a lm a r k e t HE2 AC22OV, 24Ov (switchable)" Wast Germany AC24OVonly Australia change the primary wiring, please refer to page a This service manual is applicable to the HB, HE and SD typ6s. a As to th6 HE and SD types, please refer to pages 51. a As to the othr typs, please refer to additional service manual. Ce manual d'instructionse refbr au mode de r6glage,en franqais. a Este manual de servicio trata del m6tode ajuste escrito en espafrol. CONTENTS 1 . S P E C | F | C A T T .O .N .S . . . 2 6 . E L E C T R I C A LA R T SL I S T , P 2. E X P L O D EV I E W SA N D P A R T S I S T . . . . , . D L 7 , A D J U S T M E N T.S . . . .

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