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Now downloading free:panasonic panasonic nn s550wf power supply

panasonic panasonic nn s550wf power supply free download

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File name:panasonic_nn_s550wf_power_supply.pdf
[preview panasonic nn s550wf power supply]
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Model:panasonic nn s550wf power supply 🔎
Original:panasonic nn s550wf power supply 🔎
Descr: panasonic Micro wave oven NN S550WF panasonic_nn_s550wf_power_supply.pdf
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File name panasonic_nn_s550wf_power_supply.pdf

Panasonic Microwave Oven Inverter HV Power Supply By David Smith VK3HZ (vk3hz (*at*) This particular power supply comes from a circa-2000 Panasonic Microwave model NN-S550WF. Nearly all Panasonic microwave ovens now use an Inverter, and are always labelled with "Inverter" on the front. The High Voltage Power Supply Unit (HV PSU) The HV PSU measures 165mm x 105mm x 60mm and weighs 650g. At left is the control daughter board. In front of that on the main board are the opto-isolators for the control and status signals brought out to the green connector. Back left is the rectified mains filter choke. The mains rectifier and switching transistors can just be seen on the heatsink behind the transformer. The mains filter capacitor is at right rear. The HV rectifiers and filters (doubler) are right front

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