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SERIES 60 (LEVEL 68) EMACS TEXT EDITOR USERS' GUIDE SUBJECT Tutorial Introduction to the Emacs Text Editor, Full Description of the Editing Requests Available, and Instructions for Using Special Features of Emacs SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS This manual presupposes some basic knowledge of the Multics system provided by the two-volume set, New Users' Introduction to Multics. Some of the prelimi- nary information covered in that set is summarized briefly here, however, so that users at any level of experience can comprehend the techniques presented in this manual. SOFI'WARE SUPPORTED Multics Software Release 8.0 ORDER NUMBER CH27-00 December 1979 Honeywell PREFACE This book is a detailed description of the Multics Emacs text editor, a real-time editing and formatting system designed for use on video terminals. It is intended for - users; both all those who have relatively little experience on the Multics operating system (or any other computer system) and experienced programmers will find this a complete description. Users are, however, expected to be familiar with the Multics concepts described in the 2-volume set, New Userst Introduction to Multics -- Part I (order No. CH24), and -- Part I1 (Order =.CH25), referred to in this manual as New Users' Introduction. Although Multics Emacs is easily used by technically inexperienced people, those with some programming experience can utilize it even more effectively by writing their own extensions. Examples of supplied extensions are the Emacs message subsystem and the various language modes, described in Appendices B and C of this manual. Information about extensions and instructions 1 3,) for writing them are provided in the Emacs Extension Writers' Guide, Order No. CJ52, which is referred to in this book as Extension Writerst Guide. Many video terminal types are supported by Emacs, as supplied. Information on how to support additional terminal types is also available in the Extension Writers' Guide. It is recommended that at least one person at your site have a copy; someone should also b e familiar with the Emacs installatlon information. The term "fileu is used interchangeably with "segment1' in this manual, since many of the editing requests have the word "fileftas part of their command names. @ Honeywell Information Systems Inc. , 1979 File No. : 1 1 3 1 CH27-00 .A The sections of this manual fu

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