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File name:PSG1203019CE_PRINTDB.pdf
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Model:PSG1203019CE PRINTDB 🔎
Original:PSG1203019CE PRINTDB 🔎
Descr: panasonic Audio SC-HC37DBEB PSG1203019CE_PRINTDB.pdf
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PSG1203019CE Compact Stereo System Model No. SC-HC37DBEB SC-HC37DBEW Product Color: (K)...Black Type (For EW only) (S)...Silver Type (For EB only) (H)...Gray Type (For EB only) (R)...Red Type (For EB only) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PAGE 1 Safety Precautions----------------------------------------------- 3 5 General/Introduction------------------------------------------- 13 1.1. General Guidelines---------------------------------------- 3 5.1. Inserting or removing media--------------------------- 13 1.2. Caution for AC Cord (For EB) -------------------------- 4 5.2. CD, iPod/iPhone & USB playback operations ---- 14 1.3. Before Repair and Adjustment ------------------------- 5 6 Location of Controls and Components------------------ 15 1.4. Protection Circuitry ---------------------------------------- 5 6.1. Main Unit & Remote Control Key Button 1.5. Caution For Fuse Replacement------------------------ 5 Operations ------------------------------------------------- 15 1.6. Safety Part Information----------------------------------- 6 7 Installation Instructions -------------------------------------- 16 2 Warning -------------------------------------------------------------- 7 7.1. Connections ----------------------------------------------- 16 2.1. Prevention of Electro Static Discharge (ESD) 8 Service Mode ----------------------------------------------------- 17 to Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices---------- 7 8.1. Self Diagnostic Mode ----------------------------------- 17 2.2. Precaution of Laser Diode------------------------------- 8 8.2. Self Diagnostic Function Error Code ---------------- 18 2.3. Service caution based on Legal restrictions -------- 9 8.3. Doctor Mode Table--------------------------------------- 19 2.4. Handling Precaution for Traverse --------------------10 8.4. Sliding Door Operation --------------------------------- 25 3 Service Navigation ----------------------------------------------11 9 Servic

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