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Model:UpdateMethodEU 🔎
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Descr: panasonic Plasma TV TX-PR42G20 Firmware UpdateMethodEU.pdf
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Method of Software Version Up by SD card (1/4) 1. Conform the current version of the system software. 1 Select "Setup" in Main manu 2 Select "System Information" in "System Menu" Press Menu button. Press OK button. n. utto Kb s sO Pre 3 Select "Software Version" display Method of Software Version Up by SD card (2/4) 2. Power ON TV set. and insert the SD card for the update. 1 Enlarging It takes max 30 seconds. 2 Enlarging Press OK button. 3 Enlarging Select "Yes" and press OK button. Method of Software Version Up by SD card (3/4) 4 Enlarging It takes about 5 minutes. 5 Enlarging 1. Please remove the SD card from TV set. 2. Please turn off the main power of the TV set. 3. Please turn on the main power of the TV set. 6 Enlarging Method of Software Version Up by SD card (4/4) It takes about 5 minute. 7 Black out. It takes about 10 seconds. 8 Software successfully updated. However, the message does not appear. 9 Conform the new version of the system software. Refer to page 1/4.

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