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Philips info Flikkerend beeld free download

LCD television

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SCC_71956: Intermittent flickering picture. Needed components: 996510032437: 560uF_20%_200V LS561M2DBK-3025A (from Lelon). 319802134710: 470R_ 5%_0603. 319801790040: 47nF_X7R_16V_0603. 319802051390: 13V zener BZX384-C13 (if damaged by displacing it). Step 1: Replace the mains elcap 2111 by: Lelon LS561M2DBK-3025A. Caution: use only this type, as the height is important w.r.t. safety!. Careful for the polarity of the capacitor and the wire 9047 under the elcap 2111. Doc. Version: 2.0 Page 1 Date: 16-FEB-`10 SCC_71956: Intermittent flickering picture. Step 2: Check for former rework instruction of adding 270k on position 3115. Add 270k if not already done. Former rework Step 3: Displace 6155 as depicted (do not change its polarity!!), to be able to add a 0603 resistor in series. Displace 6155 (keep same polarity) Doc. Version: 2.0 Page 2 Date: 16-FEB-`10 SCC_71956: Intermittent flickering picture. Step 4 Add a 470 ohm resistor in series with 6155 as depicted. Add 470R in series with 6155 Step 5 : Add on top of the 470 ohm (in parallel) a 47 nF capacitor. Add 47nF parallel to 470R Doc. Version: 2.0 Page 3 Date: 16-FEB-`10 SCC_71956: Intermittent flickering picture. Step 6: Remove 2110 or 3116 (one is sufficient, as they are connected in series). Remove 2110 or 3116 Step 7: Check carefully if al solder joints of the rework are OK . Caution: Put the components on the place as depicted and do not use other components than SMD (leaded components could come in the 6 mm safety zone!). Doc. Version: 2.0 Page 4 Date: 16-FEB-`10

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