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Now downloading free:Philips philips 19pr21c121 chassis j8 sm

Philips philips 19pr21c121 chassis j8 sm free download

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Philips Consumer Electronics Manual 7590 Model no.: 19PR21C121 Technical Service Data First Publish: 10-09-01 Rev. Date: 04-04-00 Service and Quality Print Date: 13/04/2007 Service Publications Dept. One Philips Drive P.O. Box 14810 Knoxville, TN 37914 Pg. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS AND PC BOARDS 11. Main Ch. - Control Circuitry (A10) 1. Schematic/Circuitry Listings 12. CRT Panel Circuitry (B) 2. Main Ch. - Power Supply Circuitry (A01) 13. BTSC Stereo Circuitry (C) - ASD100 Panel 3. Main Ch. - Line Deflection Circuitry (A02) 14. Main Ch. & CRT Panel PCBs (Top View) 4. Main Ch. - Frame Deflection Circuitry (A03) 15. Main Ch. & CRT Panel PCBs (Bottom View) 5. Main Ch. - Sync Circuitry (A04) 16. BTSC Sterero PCB (ASD100 Panel - Top View) 6. Main Ch. - Tuner/Video/IF Circuitry (A05) 17. BTSC Sterero PCB (ASD100 Panel - Bottom View) 7. Main Ch. - Video Processing Circuitry (A06) 18. OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAM 8. Main Ch. - SIF/Audio Circuitry (A07) 9. Main Ch. - External Input Circuitry (A08) 10. Main Ch. - Audio Amplifier Circuitry (A09) REFER TO SAFETY GUIDELINES SAFETY NOTICE: ANY PERSON ATTEMPTING TO SERVICE THIS CHASSIS MUST FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE CHASSIS AND BE AWARE OF THE NECESSARY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TO BE USED WHEN SERVICING ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT CONTAINING HIGH VOLTAGES. CAUTION: USE A SEPARATE ISOLATION TRANSFORMER FOR THIS UNIT WHEN SERVICING

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