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PSC 1. X SW+5.15V PSC 12. D+1.8V PSC 14. D+3.3V PSC 15. REG.SD+1.8V Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name IC7502 15,34,69 Timer (Main) IC37001 17,47,64,81 1394 DV (Digital) IC3603 20 MPEG4 (Digital) IC6004 21,55,75 Syscon (Digital) 105,106,108 92,126,133 IC3604 5 111,122,153 112 146,179,212 IC3607 1,3,9,15,29 184,203 IC7504 2 35,41,43,49 IC7506 8 PSC 13. REG.D+1.5V 55,75,81 PSC 16. REG.EN D+1.8V IC7508 5 Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name IC3608 7,42,78,94 Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name IC3203 39,64,88 AV Input (Digital) 100,103,107 IC3402 7,19,32,44 AV Encoder (Digital) PSC 2. REG.JC+5V 109,131,156 136,159,189 59,71,84,96 Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name 232,237 199,223,254 111,123,136 IC3001 2,15,27 Video I/O (Main) IC50003 12,30,48 AV Decoder (Digital) IC3609 8 148,163,175 41,45 69,98,127 IC37001 10,19,29,37 1394 DV (Digital) 188,198 IC7301 3,6,28,35 Nicam/Decoder P.C.B. 135,172,186 43,50,56,69 IC7302 1 76,87,97 PSC 17. REG.MP D+1.8V PSC 14. D+3.3V 108,118,132 Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name PSC 3. REG.+5V Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name 141,153,171 IC3608 24,56,76,84 MPEG4 (Digital) Ref. No. Pin. No. Schematic Name IC3201 1,7,13,25 AV Input (Digital) 183,190,197 117,132,173 IC7501 19,6

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