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File name:update2505.pdf
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Size:151 kB
Model:update2505 🔎
Original:update2505 🔎
Descr: panasonic LCD TX-L37G20E ITD1011145SE doc update2505.pdf
Group:Electronics > Documentation
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File name update2505.pdf

Subject: Before data copy from SD card for board replacement. Caution: If the software version is lower than Ver. 2.505, the key for CI Plus and DTCP-IP will be damaged at the data copy from SD Card to TV set. Software version should be checked before data copy from SD Card to TV set. If the software version is lower than Ver. 2.505, update the software. Software Update Procedures Perform steps 1 through 4 listed below. Step 1: Check the current version of software used by TV set. Step 2: Download an updated version of the software and double click the downloaded file to decompress it. Step 3: Copy the software file onto an SD Memory Card. Step 4: Install the software update. See next page for the detail for step 1 to 4. Step 1: Check the current version of software used by TV set. 1. Turn the power ON. Press [Menu] button to display Main Menu. Select "Setup" in Main Menu. 2. Select "System Menu" in "Setup Menu". Select "System Information" in "System Menu". 3. Confirm "software Version". If [****] is smaller than [2505], update the software (go to Step 2). Step 2: Download an updated version of the software and double click the downloaded file to decompress it. 1. Make a temporary folder on your PC for downloading the file, e.g. C:/Temp. 2. Download and save the Software ver.2.505 in the folder you created in the above step. 3. Double click the downloaded file. You may see following screen after you have double clicked the downloaded file, please ignore it and just click "Run" button and move to the next step. 4. The self-extracted file SDDL.SEC will appear. Step 3: Copy the software file onto an SD Memory Card. Preparation of the SD Memory Card 32MB or more must be free on the SD Memory Card and use an SD Memory Card which has already been formatted. When formatting the SD Memory Card, all data, including protected data, will be erased and can not be recovered. Please make sure to back up your important data so you don't loose it. Insert your formatted SD Memory card to your SD slot of your PC. If your PC does not have an SD slot, use an external USB SD Reader/Writer device. Copy the file into the Root directory (*1) of the SD Memory Card. (*1) Root directory = The first or top-most directory in the hierarchy. Step 4: Install the software update. 1. Turn on the TV. 2. Insert the SD Memory Card prepared in STEP 3 into your SD slot of TV set. 3. Press OK button 4. Select "Yes" and press OK button. 5. Please wait until download is completed. 6. If update is finished, the following screen is displayed. (1) Remove the SD Memory Card from TV. (2) Turn off the main power of the TV. (3) Turn on the main power of the TV. 7. Wait max 3 minutes until massage disappears. 8. Wait more about 10 Seconds with black out screen. 9. Download finished if screen appear. Software successfully updated. However, the message does not appear. 10. Confirm the new version of the system software. Refer to Step1.

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