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panasonic A100 free download

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# No. DATA CONTENTS MODIFICATION #1 2000.2 Adds omitted parts numbers. (P.7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8, 58) HISTORY #2 2000.2 Alteration of parts supply, as the service division had changed. (P.6-1, 6-2) #3 2000.2 Add the SONY badge. (P.6-1) #4 2000.3 Decide on part number (IC901 on D board). (P.7-6) MODEL NAME : HMD-A100 #5 2000.3 Parts number clerical error correction (C625 on D board). (P.7-4) SERVICE MANUAL #6 2000.5 Because a VAIO color model was added, nine parts were added to the Exploded Views. PARTS No. : 9-978-660-01 (P.6-1, 6-2) #7 2000.5 Add omitted part (LABEL, INFORMATION). (P.6-1) * Blue characters are linking. HMD-A100 SERVICE MANUAL US Model Canadian Model AEP Model Chassis No. SCC-L27M-A X11R CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS CRT 0.24 mm aperture grille pitch * Recommended horizontal and vertical timing condition 15 inches measured diagonally

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