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SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-3 SIDE:A SIDE:B DVD MODULE (2) CIRCUIT (FEP) : +B SIGNAL LINE : CD-DA SIGNAL LINE FP5201 TC5208 FG1 LB5218 50 J0JBC0000015 FG3 TC5203 49 FG SODC DGND TC5232 48 DGND 47 MUTE4(DGND) LB5202 46 J0JHC0000045 D+5V TC5233 45 D+5V VD/CPU D+5V 44 TRAYIN(D+5V) 43 M+9V TC5234 LB5203 42 J0JHC0000045 M+9V 41 M+9V VD M+9V 40 MGND TC5235 39 MGND 38 MGND 37 TRAYREF(MGND) 36 LB5205 MUTE12 TC5236 J0JBC0000015 35 MUTE12 SODC LB5206 MUTE3 TC5237 J0JBC0000015 34 MUTE3 SODC DMV TC5238 33 LB5208 FOIN TC5239 J0JBC0000015 32 FODRV SODC LB5209 TRIN TC5240 J0JBC0000015 31 TRDRV SODC LB5210 SPDIN TC5241 J0JBC0000015 30 SPDRV SODC LB5213 TRVIN

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