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Now downloading free:panasonic htb770 history

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****Firm history***** SC-HTB770 (Ver.98) 1. Countermeasure of output time. 2. Countermeasure of no power when TV connected with HTB powered on. 3. Countermeasure of no sound when Hitachi TV connected with HTB powered on. SC-HTB770 (Ver.96) 1. Depend on the BD recorder, there is video output and no audio output when power on the unit by AC plug in. 2. If power off/on at TV unit quickly, sometimes HTB can not power on. 3. Playback DTS-CD by using DMR-BRT250, sometimes there is no video output on the TV. SC-HTB 770 (ver.87) 1. Countermeasure of no sound output issue and cannot power on issue

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