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Now downloading free:Fujitsu TE77B

Fujitsu TE77B free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:Fujitsu_TE77B part 2.rar
[preview TE77B]
Size:1897 kB
Model:TE77B 🔎
Original:TE77B 🔎
Descr:Fujitsu_TE77B part 2
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
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File name Fujitsu_TE77B part 2.pdf

COLOR MONITOR (TE772) SPARE PARTS LIST Date : March 2000 NO. TECO CODE 5 7021404014318 DESCRIPTION Qty. 7021453006517 7021453006614 13 7334021701204 14 7339021318712 6 7 15 7339021318704 16 7339021318615 17 7339021320601 18 7339021320202 19 7339021319905 20 7339031305708 21 7339031305724 22 7340030502508 23 7350025401006 24 7350111107307 25 7352500002912 26 7373001219207 27 7021614003432 28 2AA1607000712 29 2AA0205600245 30 2AA1100600025 31 2AA1100600238 32 2AA1202100264 33 2AA1306500248 34 2AA1501600206 35 2AA1602500997 36 2AC0100500025 37 2AC0205200248 38 2AC0205400204 39 2AM0703500321 40 2DS0204700065 41 2DS020690U327 42 2DS0207200985 43 2DS0208000980 44 2DS0208000980 45 2DS040900U674 46 2DS0503200206 47 2DS0509400266 48 2DS0511400991 49 2RS1PB0H47JP7 50 2RS2PB33H0JJ3 51 2RS2PB3H30JJ9 52 2SP0301004801 53 2TC000220T027 54 2TC0509300023 55 2TD0503800020 56 2TF0303800042 57 2TF0305400084 58 2TX0003500208 59 2TX0506600242 60 2TX05066F0245 61 2TX990040T248 62 2TX990050T242 63 2TX9900600247 64 73400601002T0 65 73400601024T7 66 73400603003U4 67 73400603003U4 69 7TE772BMF119 70 7TE772BNG115 LENS-P TE572 BUTTON-P TE772-1 BUTTON-F TE772-1 FBT CF1182 CF93P 0.56uF 250V PMH 0.56uF 250V PDA 4500pF 2000 V PMH 0.24uF 400V CF93P 0.24uF 400V PHS 4500pF 1800 V PND 5100pF 800 V CQ93P 5100pF 800 V RES. 5.6 OHM 5W TRANS SMPS EE-4215,300UH,0.5X2X32T TRANS H-DRIVE EI-22,2.9MH,0.25X1X100T RELAY RPA-12 SIGANL CONNERTOR D15H12/1560,BLK RUBBER FOOT TE718 KA78R12 IC (32P) TDA4854 IC (14P) HA17324 IC (14P) LM324N IC (3P) L7808CV IC (9P) TDA4866 IC (16P) MC141545PS/LSC4518P2 IC (3P) KA7808 IC (8P) HA17384PS IC (32P) TDA4885 IC (24P) MC68HC705BD32(OTP) IC (8P) 24LC04B/P DIODE SI DD54RC 1N5818 DIODE SI UG3004 DIODE SI UG3003 DIODE SI UG3003 DIODE SI LT2A05,U MUR460 DIODE SI MDV04-600 ER306 RES. RS1PB0R47J,P RES. RS2PB33HJ,J(SS) RES. RS2PB3R2HJ,J(SS) PHOTO-COUPLER PC123FY2 2SC1906TZ 2SC5390 2SD1135 TR. FET YTAF630 TR. FET 2SK2761-01MR TR. MPSA44 TR. BU2520AX TR. BU2520AF BFQ221 BFQ241 BFQ222 RES. RF1/2PG100HJ,T FUSIBLE RES. 33 OHM 1/2W FUSIBLE RES. 1 OHM 1/3W RES. RF1PG1HJ,T MAIN PWB ASSY CRT PWB ASSY

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