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LCD Liquid crystal display TVs

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Descr: panasonic LCD TX-32LED66F chassis GLP21 PCZ0610099AE.pdf
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ORDER No. PCZ0610099AE Service Manual Colour LCD Television TX-32LED66F TX-26LED66F GLP21 Chassis NOTE: This manual should be used in conjunction with the Service Manual for the models TX-32LXD65F, TX-26LXD65F (PCZ0609091CE). DIFFERENCE LIST Description TX-32LXD65F TX-32LED66F A P.C.B. RTL A-32LXD65F A-32LED66F SW EAROM DATA (IC1120) X24C32LXD65F X24C32LED66F LCD PANEL L5EDD8Q00019 L5EDD8Q00023 CABINET TTY0E0094-1A TTY0E0094-1 MODEL LABEL TBM0E0720 TBM0E0759 MOUNTING METAL TKZ0E9321 TKZ0E9341 LCD BOTTOM MTG TKZ0E9323 TKZ0E9343 LCD TOP MTG TKZ0E9324 TKZ0E9342 P3/A4-PANEL TXAJTA4AEOE1 TXAJTA4AFOE1 F800 K5D502BNA005 K5D502BNA007 C1205 ECJ2VF1C104Z / 100nF ECJ2FF1C475Z / 4700nF Q3801 BC847B - Q3802 BC847B - R1724 - ERJ3GEYJ222V / 2K2 R1727 ERJ3GEYJ472V / 4K7 - R3836 ERJ3GEYJ473V / 47K - R3837 ERJ3GEYJ101V / 100 - R3858 ERJ3GEYJ103V / 10K - R3859 ERJ3GEYJ103V / 10K - R958 - ERJ6GEYJ471V / 470 R959 ERJ6GEYJ103V / 10K - INSTRUCTION BOOKS: GERMAN TQB0E0313A - ITALIAN TQB0E0313C - FRENCH TQB0E0313D TQB0E0344D SPANISH TQB0E0313E - ENGLISH TQB0E0313U - POWER CONSUMPTION 153W 124W NET WEIGHT 19kg 18kg DIFFERENCE LIST Description TX-26LXD65F TX-26LED66F A P.C.B. RTL A-26LXD65F A-26LED66F SW EAROM DATA (IC1120) X24C26LXD65F

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