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Now downloading free:panasonic DVD-RV32EG-F498

panasonic DVD-RV32EG-F498 free download

DVD player, DVD recorder, digital recorder, DVD R - Sony, Panasonic, LG - service manual and repair information

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Ref. No.: DVD-P-02-002 DVD-Player Quick Service Manual Date: November, 2002 DVD/VCR - DVD-RV32EG/EE/EB/E Frequence Cases reported ( country ) Combi Model: NV-VD1B/EC/EE/F Europe Subject: Display indicating error code Symptom: After the unit is switched on and after message the unit indicates on the display. Cause: No communication between Front Micro Computer and Main Micro Computer. In this case the error code is generated. possible reason: - IC 3080 / IC 37001 ( FlashROM ) bad soldering - IC 3080 / IC 37001 ( FlashROM ) Software hang up - IC 3001 / IC 37004 ( AV-Decoder ) bad soldering Remedy: DVD-RV32 NV-VHD1 1. IC 3080 resolder IC 37001 resolder 2. IC 3001 resolder IC 37004 resolder 3. software update to actual version software update to actual version 4. IC 3080 change IC 37001 change 5. Decoder-PCB REPD0003A change AV Decoder-PCB VEP03G15A change Action on production: DVD-RV32: Decoder PCB REPD0003A-3 with beginning of Index -3 NV-VHD1 : AV Decoder PCB VEP03G15A of Index -1 Introduction of FR 4 base material for decoder raw PCB. Description in Service Manual VRD0206025C2 for NV-VHD1B/EC/EE/F F489 is wrong correct F498

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