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Now downloading free:panasonic 02-TI-013

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TV - Conventional CRT, LCD Projectors, TFT, Plasma, Big Screen, HDTV, Home theater - Service manuals, repair tips

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No 02-TI-013 Technical Information Colour Television Euro 4, Euro 4H Chassis SUBJECT: DELETION OF Q-BOARD, ADDITION OF D-BOARD APPLIED MODELS: TX-28PK3F TX-28PL1, TX-28PL1D, TX-28PL1F, TX-28PL1L, TX-28PL4 TX-28PL10D, TX-28PL10F, TX-28PL10P TX-29AL1C, TX-29AL1D, TX-29AL1F, TX-29AL1P TX-29AL10C, TX-29AL10D, TX-29AL10F, TX-29AL10P DIFFERENCE LIST Description Schematic No Before correction After correction Placement From the serial number of TV set NA, NG-2160001 Q P.C.B. TNP8EQ002AH NIL C845 ECQE104KFW / 100nF NIL Q P.C.B. R842 232266296706 NIL Q P.C.B. Use of D-board instead of Q-board R843 232266296706 NIL Q P.C.B. D P.C.B. NIL TNP8ED002AC C801 NIL ECQE6104KFW/ 100nF D P.C.B. D802 NIL 232266296706 D P.C.B. D808 NIL 232266296706 D P.C.B. APPLIED SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS:

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