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Micro System MC-B311 /37P /37V Service Manual New type/versions MC-B311/37P and MC-B311/37V are introduced. For repair informaion, we refer to Service manual MC-100 (3140 785 22820). MC-B311/37x is identical to MC-100/37 except the following mechanical parts: MECHANICAL PARTSLIST (MC-B311/37P) (MC-B311/37V) 401 3140 117 64991 3140 117 65261 CASSETTE DOOR ASSY/USA 404 3140 114 47791 3140 114 47921 FRONT CABINET COVER 406 3140 117 64981 3140 117 65251 FRONT WINDOW ASSY 408 3140 117 61920 3140 117 61920 VOLUME KNOB ASSY 409 3140 117 64971 3140 117 65241 FRONT CABINET ASSY/USA 412 3140 114 47811 3140 114 47941 FRONT KNOBS PROGRAM 413 3140 114 47801 3140 114 47931 FRONT KNOBS SOURCE 416 3140 114 45630 3140 114 45630 FRONT KNOBS PRESET 428 3140 114 42050 3140 114 42050 CD TRAY /USA 436 3140 117 64961 3140 117 65231 CD-DOOR ASSY 439 3140 114 47821 3140 114 47951 REAR CABINET / USA ACCESSORIES 442 3140 118 51371 3140 118 51411 SPK BOX ASSY MC-B311P/37 3139 238 03381 3139 238 03381 REMOTE CONTROL RC282434/01 CLASS 1

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