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VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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Descr: panasonic Video NV-SJ222 cz050104.pdf
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No. Port Name I/O Description P-OFF P-Save P-FAIL Reset 91 FLD/T2 DATA OUT O Serial data output terminal for FIP driver and TEST_2(Factory use). Not fix Low Low Low 92 FLD_CS O Chip select terminal for FIP driver. Not fix Low Low Low 93 T.REEL.PULSE I Input terminal for Take-up Reel sensor pulse. In In In In 94 S.REEL.PULSE I Input terminal for Supply Reel sensor pulse. In In In In 95 DAVN I DAVN signal from Slicer In In In In Write enable for EEPROM 96 EEP_WR O High High Low High H:READ only L:Write 97 OSD IIC CLK O IIC clock for EEPROM,I/O and slicer Not fix Low Low Low 98 OSD IIC DATA I/O IIC data for EEPROM,I/O and slicer Not fix Low Low Low 99 MAIN IIC CLK O IIC clock for AV1CHIP,FM audio,Tuner,Decoder and RFC Not fix Low Low Low 100 MAIN IIC DATA I/O IIC data for AV1CHIP,FM audio,Tuner,Decoder and RFC Not fix Low Low Low 101 N.C -- Low fix terminal. Low Low Low Low 102 N.C -- Low fix terminal. Low Low Low Low 103 FG.AMP.OUT O Output from internal FG Amplifier --- --- --- --- 104 FG.AMP.IN I Input for internal FG Amplifier --- --- --- --- 105 GND(A) -- GND --- --- --- --- 106 GND -- GND --- --- --- --- 107 PFG I Cylinder PG/FG input terminal --- --- --- --- 108 OREF O Output from internal reference voltage (2.5V) --- --- --- --- 109 IREF I Input for internal reference voltage --- --- --- --- 110 to GND -- Connect to GND --- --- --- --- 111 CTL.HEAD(-) I Input signal from CTL HEAD(+) --- --- --- --- 112 CTL.HEAD(+) I Input signal from CTL HEAD(-) --- --- --- --- 113 CTL.AMP.REF I Input for internal CTL amplifier reference voltage --- --- --- --- 114 PB.CTL.OUT O Output from inter

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