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Micro System MC-122/22 MC-128/37 MC-129/37 Introduction of MC-122, MC-128 and MC-129 For service documentation please refer to Service manual MC-120 / MC-130 - 3140 785 32310. MC-122/22 refers to MC-120/22 with the following MC-129/37 refers to MC-120/37 with the following adaptations: adaptations: 1. Mechanical & Accessories 1. Mechanical & Accessories Add 3140 117 71191 Front Cab Assy MC-122 Add 3140 117 69481 Front Cab Assy MC-129 (with 414, 416, 417, 418) (with 414, 416, 417, 418) Change 401 3140 117 71001 Cass Door Assy MC-122 Change 401 3140 117 69521 Cass Door Assy MC-129 409 3140 117 71491 Cass Key Set MC-122 406 3140 117 69501 Front Panel Assy MC-129 3140 118 51791 Speaker Box Assy 419 3140 110 51811 Light-bar Assembly 423 3140 117 69591 CD Door Assy... MC-129 MC-128/37 refers to MC-120/37 with the following 3140 118 51681 Speaker Box Assy adaptations: 3139 238 05611 Remote Control 1. Mechanical & Accessories 2. LED Board Add 3140 117 69391 Front Cab Assy MC-128 Change 6901 to (with 414, 416, 417, 418) 6912 4822 130 11589 LED VS LTL-1CHAE Change 401 3140 117 69461 Cass Door Assy MC-128 406 3140 117 69431 Front Panel Assy MC-128 419 3140 110 51811 Light-bar Assembly 423 3140 117 69581 CD Door Assy... MC-128 3140 118 51671 Speaker Box Assy 3139 238 05601 Remote Control 2. LED Board Change 6901 to 6912 9322 070 81682 LED VS TLHY4405 CLASS 1

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