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Now downloading free:Hitachi 27CX15B

Hitachi 27CX15B free download

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File information:
File name:Hitachi_27CX21B.part01.rar
[preview 27CX15B]
Size:2041 kB
Model:27CX15B 🔎
Original:M3LXU 🔎
Descr:Hitachi Solid State color television Models:27CX15B/C750, 27CX1B/C750, 20SA5B/C053, 27CX21B/C750B,27CX6B/C756, 27CX5B/C755, 27CX25B/C750, 20SA3B/C052 Chassis:M3LXU, M3XU,M3LXU2 Service Manual
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name 27CX21B.pdf

27CX5B 27CX6B 27CX21B A ~npizq SERVICE MANUAL II M3LXU2 Models 27CX21B and 27CXlB are in the same Solid State Color Television family. The difference between the 27CX21 B and the 27CXlB is the speaker, remote control and OSD. Please refer to model 27CXiB schematics, assembly, wiring, test, and troubleshooting information when servicing model 27CX21 B. Refer to Service Manual PA No. 0050 issued in June 1996. Refer to Service Manual PA No. 0051 for the technical information regarding the "Description of Circuit" and "IC's and Transistors Functions" issued in December 1995. REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST This parts list only gives parts which are different from the service manual PA No.0050. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTE: Components marked with a A have special characteristics important to safety. Before replacing any of these components, read carefully, the PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE of this service manual. Do not degrade the safety of the receiver through improper servicing. SYMBOL NO. I I I PART NO. QR20861 QR20871 G K00062 GK00062 HL90701 CP03132 0700036M DESCRIPTION I I I N201 N201 SP451 SP452 E301 1001 R099 DO22 Instruction Book English Instruction Book French Speaker 4f2/5W Speaker 4Qf5W Remote Control CLU-362U Micon LC864164B-5887 I I I I Resistor 470 ohm I 1 2398611 M 1 Diode ISS254 I QECIFICATIONS AND PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR IMPROVEMENT SOLID STATE COLOR TELEVISION JULY 1997 HHEA-MANUFACTURING DIVISION

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30-03-2005Daniel479My model 27CX1B TV uses code 091 with my pm435s Universal Remote. I was hoping to find this info here, but I did not.

Average rating for this file: 9.00 ( from 1 votes)

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