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LCD Liquid crystal display TVs

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Descr: panasonic LCD CE20LC25C 10040985.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV > LCD
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Product Code Description 10040985 17MB18 20725 SANYO SANYO CE20LC25-C ELECTRONICS Component Description Position Number Code 20203996 SPK.AS.2010/11 TFT (R) (MB18) . . . . . 20203997 SPK.AS.2010/11 TFT (L) (MB18) . . . . . 20204042 IC 24C32 TU016692302120011 . . . . . 20224759 MD.ASY.17TK26-7SW 2310/11 TFT (MB18)(ROH . . . . . 20250199 MD.ASY.17LD37-20725/W TFT(MB18)ROHS . . . . . 20264108 CHS.ASSY.17MB18-5-111511122511114 . . . . . 30000092 CAP MKT 220NF 63V J ROHS C314 . . . . 30000294 CAP SMD 100NF 50V K (0805) ROHS C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 . . C6 . . . . 30000345 CAP EL 10UF 50V M ROHS C435 C436 C437 . . . . C217 C223 C250 C303 C305 . . C316 C320 C337 C434 C459 . . C535 C466 . . . . . C442 . . . . 30000352 CAP EL 100UF 16V M ROHS C445 . . . . . . C254 C261 C264 C268 C296 . . C315 C326 C472 C474 C506 . . C507 C508 C510 C522 C523 . . C524 C525 C526 C222 . 30000353 CAP EL 100UF 25V M ROHS C450 . . . . . . C194 . . . . 30000359 CAP EL 1000UF 16V M. ROHS C541 . . . . 30000362 CAP EL 1UF 50V M. ROHS C323 . . . . 30000384 CAP EL 2.2UF 50V M ROHS C292 C298 . . . 30000393 CAP EL 3.3UF 50V M ROHS C340 . . . . . . C408 C409 . . . 30000395 CAP EL 47UF 6.3V M (4*7MM) ROHS C100 . . . . 30000400 CAP EL 47UF 50V M ROHS C412 . . . . . . C277 C206 . . . 30000407 CAP EL 470UF 16V M. ROHS C521 . . . . . . C467 C542 . . . 30000464 RES SMD 1/10W 100R J (0805) ROHS R216 R217 . . . . . R1 . . . . 30000469 RES SMD 1/10W 1K J 0805 ROHS R406 R407 R422 R430 . 30000475 RES SMD 1/10W 10K J 0805 ROHS R432 . . . . 30000546 RES SMD 1/10W 1.5R J (0805) ROHS R106 . . . . 30000706 RES CF 1/4W 47R J ROHS R234 . . . . 30000797 RES SMD 1/10W 75R J (0805) ROHS R400 R401 R402 R429 R431 . . R434 R435 R443 R444 . 30001285 DIODE SMD 1N4148 0.2A/75V ROHS

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