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Pioneer SQH11009 free download

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Descr: Pioneer Audio DJM-900 SQH11009.pdf
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Additional Page: 1/2 SERVICE INFORMATION (QUALITY) Service Date: July.13, 2011 No.: SQH11009 Manual MODEL No. * SER. No S/M No. PG DJM-900NXS/KXJ5 A 41- DJM-900NXS/LXJ A 1541- DJM-900NXS/SYXJ8 A 2741- DJM-900NXS/UXJCB A 1401- DJM-900NXS/XJCN5 A 221- DJM-2000/AXJ5 A 271- DJM-2000/CUXJ A 1361- DJM-2000/KXJ5 A 71- DJM-2000/LXJ A 1491- DJM-2000/SYXJ8 A 5621- DETAIL SYMPTOM The knobs for MIC LEVEL and TRIM are loose. CAUSE Under investigation SERVICE Replace knob and add spring (Tentative countermeasure) REMEDY FACTORY COUNTER Same as service remedy -MEASURE We are still investigating now, but we have not found the root cause of this issue yet. Service remedy of this SI is tentative measure. We will let you know the permanent countermeasure as soon as we find the root cause. Regarding knob, design change has not been performed. Butplease replace knob with new one together when adding spring because there is a possibility that the size of knob changes in some factor during shipping. Please refer to the next page about insertion method of spring . CURRENT PARTS CO NEW PARTS * SYMBOL/DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER DE PART NUMBER SYMBOL/DESCRIPTION A Addition DBH1788 Spring ( ! ):You should use specified parts by safety regulations. PIONEER SERVICE NETWORK CORPORATION NOTE:PARTS CODE 1:Changeable form old to new. Memo: QA66-N004-A 2:Not Interchangeable at all. TL-31014 3:Interchangeable in both ways. TL-31015 Service Support

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