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File name:Panasonic_KX-TDA6181X_16-Port.pdf
[preview Panasonic KX-TDA6181X 16-Port]
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Model:Panasonic KX-TDA6181X 16-Port 🔎
Original:Panasonic KX-TDA6181X 16-Port 🔎
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File name Panasonic_KX-TDA6181X_16-Port.pdf

ORDER NO. KMS0510155CE 16-Port Analogue Trunk Card KX-TDA6181X (for Asia, Oceania, Middle Near East, Latin America, Russia and Africa) IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT LEAD FREE, (PbF), SOLDERING If lead free solder was used in the manufacture of this product the printed circuit boards will be marked PbF, Standard laded, (Pb), solder can be used as usual on boards without the PbF mark. When this mark does appear please read and follow the special instructions described in this manual on the use of PbF and how it might be permissible to use Pb solder during service and repair work.

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