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Problems Checking Points Checking components 1) Distorted picture or a) Check SDRAM address, data IC8051 abnormal sound is head bus, CLK and other control signals during the initialization waveform b) Check video signals (Y,C) LB8301, R8321, R8323, LB8302, R8325, R8327 c) Check audio DAC circuitry IC8421 (Pin 9 to 11 & 17 to 22) * Compare the above with LB8425, LB8426, LB8427, OK condition DVD Module LB8428, LB8429, LB8431 P.C.B *Check for solder short and/or component missing/damaged 2) No TOC/Long TOC a) Check motor driver circuitry IC8251 Pin 8, 21 (+5V) b) Check laser drive circuitry Q8551, Q8552 (For DVD), (Voltages & current) Q8561, Q8562 (For CD) c) Check LSI IC connection to IC8001 Pin 66, 67 motor drive circuitry IC8251 Pin 15 to 16 * Compare the above with OK * Check for solder short and/or condition DVD Module P.C.B. component missing/damaged 3) Disc not spinning a) Check connection from FP8251 4) Traverse not moving DVD Module to Traverse unit 5) Traverse and spindle abnormal movement b) Check motor driver circuitry on IC8251 the voltages and control signals * Compare the above with * Check for solder short and/or OK condition DVD Module P.C.B. component damaged 6) Cannot read the disc but a) Check laser drive circuitry Q8551, Q8552, LB8551 spindle motor is spinning (voltages and current) (For DVD Laser Drive current) - Cannot read CD/DVD - Check CD Laser Drive Q8561, Q8562, LB8561 - Check DVD Laser Drive (For CD Laser Drive current) * Check voltages and LD current and compare with OK condition DVD Module P.C.B. 7) Block Noise during play a) Check SDRAM address and IC8051 data bus signal 8) Jitter out of specification a) Check LD current OPU Unit (Traverse unit), FPC b) Check OPU (Change to other connection

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