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B-P.C.Board TXN/B1NERZ (Foil Side) W-P.C.Board TXN/W1NGGZ (BT-S1415DAD/S1315DAD) B-P.C.Board (Foil Side) (Foil Side) TXN/W1NERZ (BT-S1415DA/S1315DA) IC W-P.C.Board (Foil Side) IC806 D-2 Q402 D-2 Q608 B-3 Q638 C-4 TPB13 C-2 TPB31 C-4 IC002 C-3 TRANSISTOR Q409 C-4 Q609 C-3 Q639 B-2 TPB14 C-1 TPB32 D-4 IC IC003 C-2 Q001 D-1 Q412 D-5 Q610 C-3 Q804 B-5 TPB15 B-2 TPB33 D-4 IC3001 D-7 IC004 A-5 Q003 D-1 Q413 D-5 Q621 B-4 Q6501 B-2 TPB16 B-2 TPB34 A-4 IC3002 C-7 IC400 C-5 Q004 E-4 Q600 B-3 Q622 B-4 Q6502 A-2 TPB19 B-2 TPB35 B-2 IC3003 B-8 F IC601 C-2 Q005 E-4 Q602 A-3 Q633 B-4 Q6503 A-2 TPB20 B-2 TRANSISTOR Q3001 D-7 IC603 B-3 Q006 A-4 Q603 B-3 Q634 C-4 TP TPB21 B-2 IC803 E-2 Q081 C-3 Q605 B-3 Q635 B-4 TPB1 A-3 TPB22 B-2 Q3002 E-7 IC804 D-2 Q202 E-5 Q606 B-4 Q636 B-4 TPB2 D-4 TPB29 C-4 Q3003 D-7 IC805 B-5 Q401 D-1 Q607 C-3 Q637 C-4 TPB3 E-1 TPB30 C-4 Q3004 D-7 Q3005 C-7 ADDRESS INFORMATION Q3006 B-7

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