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The Gracenote database is a database used to search and retrieve CD title information. By connecting to the Internet, the unit can access the Gracenote server and obtain the most recent CD title information. When a CD is inserted or recording from a CD begins, the unit will automatically search for and obtain information about the inserted CD ( page 28 of operating instruction) . If this unit is not connected to the Internet: A portion of the Gracenote database comes pre-installed on this unit, so titles and artist information can be obtained. Please note however that the newest CD titles, etc. may not be registered yet to the internal database. This unit has an internal database containing information for approximately 350,000 album titles. Searching for titles other than on CD: Using the Gracenote database, information can also be obtained for other types of tracks recorded to the HDD ( page 67 of operating instruction, Searching for track names, artist names and album names within the Gracenote database and entering them automatically). If it takes a long time to access the Gracenote database, check if the unit s network connection ( page 94 of operating instruction) and the network settings ( page 96 of operating instruction) are correct. Some CDs may have title information that is similar to other CDs. In this case, try obtaining the CD title information again ( page 67 of operating instruction), or after recording to the HDD has completed enter the CD title information manually ( page 66 of operating instruction). For some CDs, multiple title suggestions will be found, therefore select the appropriate title ( page 67 of operating instruction). When you want to change the title, manually make changes after recording to the HDD is complete ( page 66 of operating instruction).

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