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Philips Screen overview Philips free download

LCD television

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Descr: Philips LCD TV Philips screen code's Screen overview Philips.pdf
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Display option HEX Display type Brand SIZE Full HD WCG Clear LCD Resolution vertical Resolution horizontal Type number 12 NC 000 0 PDP SDI 42 768p 1024 S42AX-YD01(PP42AX-007A) 9322 225 38682 001 1 PDP SDI 50 768p 1366 S50HW-XD03 9322 215 26682 002 2 PDP FHP 42 1024i 1024 FPF42C128128UC-52 (A1) 9322 212 78682 003 3 LCD LPL 30 768p 1280 LC300W01-A3P7 9322 198 00682 004 4 LCD LPL 37 768p 1366 LC370W01-A6 9322 220 87682 005 5 LCD LPL 42 768p 1366 LC420W02-A6 9322 226 39682 006 6 LCD Sharp 32 768p 1366 LQ315T3LZ13 (ASV1) 9322 209 35682 LQ315T3LZ23 (ASV2.2)(5Vtcon) 9322 226 58682 LQ315T3LZ23 (ASV2.2)(12Vtcon) 9322 226 16682 007 7 PDP SDI 42 480p 852 S42SD-YD05 (V3) 9322 215 27682 008 8 PDP FHP 37 1024i 1024 FPF37C128128UB-72 9322 217 56682 009 9 LCOS XION 720p 1280 n.a. n.a. 010 A LCD AUO 30 768p 1280 T296XW01 9322 206 49682 T296XW01V2 9322 219 45682 T296XW01V3 9322 213 33682 011 B LCD LPL 32 768p 1366 LC320W01-A6K1 9322 217 44682 012 C LCD AUO 32 768p 1366 T315XW01V5 9322 231 69682 013 D LCD Sharp 37

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