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Descr: ABIT ic7max3 Flash Prog Bios INF readme.txt
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********************************************************* * Product: Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility * Release: Production Version * Version: * Target Chipset#: Intel(R) E7220/E7221 * Date: July 23, 2004 ********************************************************* NOTE: For the list of supported chipsets, please refer to the Release Notes ********************************************************* * CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ********************************************************* This document contains the following sections: 1. Overview 2. System Requirements 3. Contents of the Distribution Package 4. List of Available Command Line Flag Options 5. Contents of the Extracted Files 6. Installing the Software in Interactive Mode 7. Installing the Software in Silent Mode 8. Installing the INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8A. Installing the Windows* 98SE/Windows* Me INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8B. Installing the Windows* 2000 INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8C. Installing the Windows* XP INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8D. Installing the Windows Server* 2003 INF Files Prior to OS Installation 9. Installing the INF Files After OS Installation 9A. Installing the Windows* 98SE/Windows* Me INF Files After OS Installation 9B. Installing the Windows* 2000 INF Files After OS Installation 9C. Installing the Windows* XP INF Files After OS Installation 9D. Installing the Windows Server* 2003 INF Files After OS Installation 10. Verifying Installation of the Software and Identifying the Software Version Number 11. Troubleshooting ************************************************************ * 1. OVERVIEW ************************************************************ The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility installs Windows* INF files to the target system. These files outline to the operating system how to configure the Intel(R) chipset components in order to ensure that the following features function properly: - Core PCI and ISAPNP Services - AGP Support - IDE/ATA33/ATA66/ATA100 Storage Support - SATA Storage Support - USB Support - Identification of Intel(R) Chipset Components in the Device Manager This software can be installed in three modes: Interactive, Silent and Unattended Preload. Interactive Mode requires user input during installation; Silent Mode and Unattended Preload do not. This software also offers a set of command line flags, which provide additional installation choices. The command line flags are not case sensitive. Refer to Section 4 for detailed descriptions of these flags. Important Note: The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility is distributed in two formats: self extracting .EXE files (INFINST_xxx.EXE) or compressed .ZIP files (INFINST_xxx.Z

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