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File name README.TXT

Diskette containing * SYMPTOM-CURE * ADDITIONAL SERVICE INFORMATION * FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Version 2.4.2 released October 1996 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose ------- This floppy contains two different applications: A. The "Symptom Cure" application. This application contains tips to enable the repairer to find a solution for his problem in a user-friendly way. Hence this application might reduce the diagnosis time significantly. Besides repair tips, also "Frequently Asked Questions" and the related answers are given. Especially special modes (such as "HOTEL MODE", "TRADE MODE", "CHILD LOCK" etc) are taken care off. B. The "Additional Service Information" application. This applications contains information related to symptom cure (like Service Informations, Newsletters, E-mails) containing codenumber information, spare part information, preventive actions, factory modifications, adjustment procedures, Service Manual corrections, etc. This information can be retrieved on typenumber or on chassis (if relevant) and can be retrieved sequentially. Survey of existing features --------------------------- * Contains Symptom/Cure information and Service Information, Newsletters, codenumber information, spare part information, preventive actions, factory modifications, adjustment procedures, service manual corrections, related to S/C info. * Wide variety of products: Audio, CD, CD-I, Photo-CD, Laservision, Camera's, Carradio's, Colour-TV's, Faxes, Telephones, Monitors, Observation systems, PC-ADD-ON's, Satellite Products, VCR. * More than 12000 tips available. * More than 1000 PCEC (USA) tips included. * Also tips from Videorecorders Overseas (CE-OSC Videq Singapore) included. * All information generated by Business Groups and service workshops of various National Organizations. * All information screened and authorized by Business Groups. * Information available on diskette, on line and on paper. * Tips can be printed individually or per typenumber or per product group, completely independent from type of printer. * Continuously updated. * Daily updates available via the on-line communication system. * Diskette can also be used in network (LAN) environment. * Management module for multi-language handling available. * Possibility to see on print "what's new" by selection of date. * Possibility to put in your own service information. Input of local tips ------------------- IN ORDER TO COPE WITH YOUR NEEDS, THIS NEW SOFTW

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