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panasonic Panasonic repair tips free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:Panasonic_repair_tips.txt
Size:2 kB
Model:Panasonic repair tips 🔎
Original:Panasonic repair tips 🔎
Descr: panasonic Monitor Panasonic_repair_tips.txt
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
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File name Panasonic_repair_tips.txt

================================================================================ MODEL: TH-42PZ70BA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: 6 or 7 blinks from LED Does not proceed - no picture or sound -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: Test with Y sustain (SC board) unplugged; control and power If this passes, check MOSFETs on the Y sustain for short, the SMD ones most commonly fail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Replace the FET ================================================================================ ================================================================================ MODEL: TH-46PZ80B (also most of: TH-42PZ8*, TH-50PZ8*) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: Picture is present but half of image intermittently disappears or image is unstable on one or both halves. Colours may also be wrong. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: Fiddle with LVDS cable. This runs from the main board (A board) to the control board (D board.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Secure the cable with tape on both ends. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ MODEL: TH-42PZ8B (also TH-42PZ81B, many others) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: 2 or 10 blinks from LED Does not proceed - no picture or sound -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: Freeze-spray SMD ceramic capacitors on MC301 and MC302 on P board. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Replace such capacitors near the TEA-chip as they commonly fail. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ MODEL: TX-26LXD80 + many other Panasonic using 26" Chi-Mei panel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: No picture or distorted image on power up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: Twist TV frame slightly and gently. If picture comes back, suspect the tab bonds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Apply additional pressure to tab bonds using shim material. Many videos on YouTube describing the process... ===============================================================================

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