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LG changelog free download

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File information:
File name:changelog.txt
Size:22 kB
Model:changelog 🔎
Original:changelog 🔎
Descr: LG Oled TV Channel Editor ChanSort_2016-08-10 changelog.txt
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name changelog.txt

ChanSort Change Log =================== 2016-08-10 - fixed saving of LG GlobalClone format (LH series and others) - fixed wrong .scm format detection when file was renamed by user 2016-05-07 - added support for Hisense channel.db file format - text reference lists (.txt, .csv, .chl) can now be opened and edited just like TV data files. - added dialog for advanced reference list support to apply partial lists or from different input sources. - swap 2 channels by selecting one in the left list and double-click another one in the right list - inserting channels now also works with channels that already have a new number assigned 2015-11-29 - Samsung E,F,H,J .scm file format: allow independant reordering of each favorites list - Samsung J .zip file format: predefined lists can be edited again, allow independant reordering of each favorites list, allow deleting channels 2015-11-28 - fixed file format detection for Samsung J models with .scm file extension 2015-11-27 - disable editing of predefined channel lists (based on LCN). TVs can show erratic behavior when a predefined list is modified. e.g. Samsung J built-in "Astra 19.2E" list, LG "Astra" or "Sky" lists, ... (can be overridden in the Settings menu) - new skin 2015-11-26 - Samsung J series: file detection changed from channel_list_t\*.zip to \*.zip - Toshiba: file detection changed from \*.zip to Hotel\*.zip - LG GlobalClone: favorites are now saved to the file - Added comment to info screen when opening LG LB/UB series GlobalClone list 2015-10-15 - Samsung J series: fixed error when saving certain lists which don't contain an "SRV_DVB_EXT" table. - Panasonic: allow to edit the "Encrypted" flag, which is sometimes set incorrectly during the channel search. 2015-09-19 - Samsung J series: fixed deleting of channels - LG GlobalClone: modified channel names were not written to the file - LG GlobalClone: ask whether the conflicting xx*.TLL files should be renamed so that the TV can import the GlobalClone file. - LG GlobalClone: improved support for old file format with may have caused errors due to invalid XML characters inside the file. - Panasonic: re-enabled channel lists with gaps in the numbers - Update-Check: looking for latest version at - Detecting corrupted files with 0 size or all bytes with value 0 2015-06-13 - when appending unsorted channels during save, they are now set to "hidden" and "skipped/unselectable" - reference lists: the satellite orbital position is no longer used to match channels. (Samsung J series does not provide that info). - Samsung J series: favorite lists are no longer individually sortable. (The same Pr# is used for all favorite lists). - Samsung J series: deleting channels now physically removes them from the file. (The TV might automatically append them again when it finds them in the DVB data stream). - Samsung J series: editing of channel

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