File name 24GS3-p13.pdfWarning and Notes 107B CM24 GSIII 13
Warnings Notes
1. Safety regulations require that the unit should be returned 1. The direct voltages and waveforms are average voltages.
in its original condition and that components identical to They have been measured using the Service test software
the original components are used. The safety components and under the following conditions :
are indicated by the symbol . - Mode : 640 * 480 (31.5kHz / 60Hz)
- Signal pattern : grey scale
2. In order to prevent damage to ICs and transistors, all - Adjust brightness and contrast control for the
high-voltage flash-overs must be avoided. In order to mechanical mid-position (click position)
prevent damage to the picture tube, the method shown
in Fig. 1 should be used to discharge the picture tube. 2. The picture tube panel has printed spark gaps.
Use a high-voltage probe and a multimeter (position DC-V). Each spark gap is connected between an electrode of the
Discharge until the meter reading is 0 V (after approximately picture tube and the Aquadag coating.
30 seconds).
3. The semiconductors indicated in the circuit diagram(s)
3. ESD and in the parts lists are completely interchangeable per
All ICs and many other semiconductors are sensitive to position with the semiconductors in the unit, irrespective
electrostatic discharges (ESD). Careless handling during of the type indication on these semiconductors.
repair can drastically shorten their life. Make sure that
during repair you are connected by a pulse band with
resistance to the same potential as the ground of the unit.
Keep components and tools also at this same potential.
4. When repairing a unit, always connect it to the AC Power
voltage via an isolating transformer.
5. Be careful when taking measurements in the high-voltage
section and on the picture tube panel.
6. It is recommended that saferty goggles be worn when
replacing the picture tube.
7. When making adjustments,use plastic rather than metal tools.
This will prevent any short-circuit or the danger of a
circuit becoming unstable.
8. Never replace modules or other components while the A
unit is switched on.
9. Together with the defleciton unit, the picture tube is used Fig.1
as an integrated unit. Adjustment of this unit during repair
is not recommended.
10. After repair, the wiring should be fastened in place with
the cable clam |