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Now downloading free:panasonic aa06mp04

panasonic aa06mp04 free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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Model:aa06mp04 🔎
Original:aa06mp04 🔎
Descr: panasonic Video NV-HD636EG_EU_SVC Viewing SGML_VIEW_DATA EU NV-HD636EG SVC aa06mp04.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
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Pin No. In/Out Port Name Function 82 I POWER KEY(H) Power on/off key input. 83 I SHORT DN DC voltage (BIAS (H)) detection. When detecting High at BIAS (H) during BIAS (H) is set to except high, complsory power is turned off (Self test indication display F08). When detecting Low at BIAS (H) during BAIS (H) is set to high, complsory power is turned off (Self test indication display F07). 84 I Csync C sync signal (Built in sync separation circuit) input. 85 I CAP.FG Capstan FG input. 86 I CYL.PFG Cylinder PFG input. 87 I SECAM24(H) Video head selection input. In SECAM model, this port is high when using 24u head chip for LP mode is mounted on the cylinder. 88 - GND GND. 89 O OREF Op amp output for 1/2 VDD reference. 90 I IREF Op amp input for 1/2 VDD reference. 91 I CTL.HEAD(-) Control signal (-) input. 92 I CTL.HEAD(+) Control signal (+) input. 93 O CTL.AMP.SW Control amp switching output. 94 I CTL.AMP.IN Control amp input. 95 I CTL.AMP.REF Control amp reference input. 96 - CTL.AMP.GND Control amp GND. 97 O PB.CTL.OUT Control amp output. 98 - 5V(A) Analog 5V. 99 - 5V(AD) 5V. 100 O Not used

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