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Now downloading free:Vestel Vestel PSU repair tips

Vestel Vestel PSU repair tips free download

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File name:Vestel_PSU_repair_tips.txt
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Model:Vestel PSU repair tips 🔎
Original:Vestel PSU repair tips 🔎
Descr: Vestel Vestel_PSU_repair_tips.txt
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File name Vestel_PSU_repair_tips.txt

** You will quickly learn that Vestel make some of the worst built sets ever. ** ** ** ** What's even more laughable is that brands like Toshiba, Sanyo, Sharp, etc. ** ** all buy in Vestel TVs and sell them at high margins. ** ** ** ** So your nice TV may be no better than a supermarket TV! ** ================================================================================ MODEL: 17PW15-8, 17PW20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: Powers up once in a while Powers up after 10 minutes Completely stuck in standby Good sound, no backlight Brief flash from backlight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: Check 24V and other voltages are good -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Replace 15nF 630V caps on PSU board - OR - Replace PSU (can be easier if there are other issues) ================================================================================ ================================================================================ MODEL: Misc Vestel 17MB16 et al. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: Powers on but all settings are wrong "Fantastic TV" with 255+ SCART etc. Partially in Turkish menus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Remove and replace socketed EEPROM On remote control press 4-7-2-5 then access FACTORY RESET Power cycle TV (if it did not already) ================================================================================ ================================================================================ MODEL: 17PW26-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: No power, appears dead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: Check for shorted diodes -- UF5402 typically. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Replace diodes. ================================================================================

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