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Descr: panasonic Audio SA-XR25E Viewing SGML_VIEW_DATA ALL SA-XR25E SVC schpower.pdf
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SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-22 : -B Signal line POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT : +B Signal line FL_0V FL_+3.5V -VP Q733 B1GBCFJA0002 REGULATOR -12V D735-D736 B0HAJM000005 D737 +5VA B0HAJM000005 B0ACCK000005 R746 R747 Q733 68K 120K C744 R800 T751 ETS28AU219AD C745 D744 1000P 100 1000P C757 R743 FP701 R744 R745 D736 16 1A 4.7 50V4.7 22 DCDET 22K 15 2

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