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Pioneer MN677532JAUB free download

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IC INFORMATION MN677532JAUB Function MPEG DECODER 1/2 E Type CMOS Model AVX-7300/UC Pin Functions(MN677532JAUB) Pin Name I/O Function and Operation STD7-0 I Stream data/CD-Audio bypass port VRQ O DMA request VSTR I Data strobe AUDSTR I Data strobe AVRTM I Sector separation signal MDQ15-0 I/O I/O data of main SDRAM MA11-0 O Bank sell and address XRAS O RAS ofSDRAM XCAS O CAS of SDRAM XWE O Write signal of SDRAM XCSM O CS of main SDRAM XCSE O CS of extended SDRAM DQMLM O Lower byte DQ mask of main SDRAM DQMUM O Upper byte DQ mask of main SDRAM DQMLE O Lower byte DQ mask of extended SDRAM DQMUE O Upper byte DQ mask of extended SDRAM 2001.4 IC INFORMATION MN677532JAUB Function MPEG DECODER 2/2 E Type CMOS Model AVX-7300/UC Pin Functions(MN677532JAUB) Pin Name I/O Function and Operation MCK O SDRAM CLK MCKI I SDRAM CLK input HD15-0 I/O Data bus HA11-1 I Address bus HCLK I Host CPU clock XCS I Chip select XRD I Read enable XWR I Write enable XDK O Data acknowledge XHINT O Interrupt strobe HMD0,1 I Host CPU select XRST I System reset CLK27 I 27MHz clock input CLKMON O Clock monitor CKIO I 81MHz clock select ACKIO I Audio PLL test mode CLK81 I External 81MHz input CLK121 I External 121.5MHz input MODE121 I Clock mode select DCTEST I DC test mode TESTSEL1,0 O Test signal TEST10-0 O Test signal VD7-0 O Video data bus VCLK O Video data clock XVSYNCO I/O Vsync input/output XHSYNCO I/O Horizontal sync input/output VYOUT O Y analog output VCOUT O Cr C analog output VGOUT O Cb Composite analog output VBOUT O C analog output VREFY/C/G/B I DAC reference input IREFY/C/G/B I DAC resistance terminal for bias current setting COMPY/C/G/B I DAC capacity connection terminal for stabilization RFF O Repeat first field flag output ADOUT2-0 O Aud

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